Posted June 25, 2020

I just installed WCP today, and when I launch it, I have this "ghost" mouse pointer stuck in the center of my screen. It just doesn't move from there; I do have a mouse pointer that moves whenever I move the mouse, so I'm able to navigate the game, but the ghost pointer is not moving anywhere, and it's getting annoying.
I'm running on Windows10.
Anyone had the same issue?

Here's how remove this .sdb Compatibility Fix:
Run regedit.exe and navigate to the following registry key- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Custom\prophecy.exe
Copy just the "{GUID}" part found under the name column in this key.
From a "Run as administator" command prompt run following command> sdbinst -u -g { [guid you got from ..\AppCompatFlags\Custom\prophecy.exe registry key] }
example- sdbinst -u -g {396435cd-b11c-428d-91d1-d62966feb7ba}
You should see the following message if uninstalling the compatibility fix worked "Uninstallation of Wing Commander Prophecy complete".
Close command prompt window.
This procedure also works for Wing Commander Secret Ops (secretops.exe).
note: You may have to run prophecy.exe/secretops.exe in the Windows 98/ME compatibilty mode.