Few pointers...
try the training simulator in the bar.
Tinker with the speed od your Dosbox (you will quite likely have to reduce the number of cycles, Wing Commander was aimed at 286 - 386 AT computers with speed of approx. 20 MHz... yes it is choppy, but when it is smooth, it is unplayable, all in all, WC1 is pretty poorly written when it comes to the CPU speed, I remember, how dissapointed I was with my 486DX/40, as even that machine was way to fast and I had to resort to to various slow down programs).
Now to the combat itself...
- use full speed of your fighter (this is btw. common newbie mistake - they often forgot to increase speed after coming out of the autopilot)
- use afterburners when attacked or in order to bypass the enemy quickly in combat
- learn to use missiles
- learn to aim your guns, lear to shoot them and to lead them
Edit: you are not alone, learn how to use your wingman (they are pretty useless, but hey, better than nothing...).
It is not that difficult...
Edit2: spelling etc.
Post edited June 04, 2019 by felixed