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Hey there, I have a Roland MT-32 and I was wondering will the GoG versions of WC 1+2 work with it?
This question / problem has been solved by DeusExMachinaimage
tribal: Hey there, I have a Roland MT-32 and I was wondering will the GoG versions of WC 1+2 work with it?
If you have DOS then yes. AFAIK DosBox doesn't emulate Roland MT-32 so your hardware is useless for this I'm afraid... :-(
I played a little in the work. The trick of swap the content of config file with the WC2 content works well with the music.

But in home I will compare with the Kilrathi Saga version and see what is the best.
tribal: Hey there, I have a Roland MT-32 and I was wondering will the GoG versions of WC 1+2 work with it?
TPR: If you have DOS then yes. AFAIK DosBox doesn't emulate Roland MT-32 so your hardware is useless for this I'm afraid... :-(
Uh, why would I want to emulate it when I have the actual hardware? I'm under the assumption that it uses DOSBox, I could change a config file or something to make it work. This method works with other games I still have discs of that GoG doesn't sell.
I have WC1 and 2 working with my real MT32. I had to use my origignal "install.exe"-files which are missing in the GoG-Release. The file should be included if you ask me.

My WC2.cfg looks like this: v r c27

Using "D-Fend Reloaded" I imported the GoG WC2 Files and copied the install.exe from the original WC2-Disks. You can easily change the preferred midi-device using D-Fend though manually editing the .conf-files is also not very hard.
Post edited August 25, 2011 by DeusExMachina