Posted June 12, 2011
I have tried the game for a couple of hours running the initial easy scout missions but i find it impossible to kill even one solo ship.
I 've tried the game using gamepad, mouse and keyboard with mixed results.
I bought a second lazer gun and hit the targets when they are close. Their shields will go down just a bit but after a few seconds when their shields will be 100% again.
I 'll do the drill for half an hour or so and then i ll get bored by not being able to kill them.
Targeting is difficult even with a gamepad(jerky movement of the ship) but even with somewhat bad targeting i should have been able to kill them. What is the deal here? What am I doing wrong. I have played many space combat sims before, including WC games, but i have never encountered something this impossible at the beginning of the game.
Is it the ship, the lasers, the controls, me? I do not know....
*edit for typo
I 've tried the game using gamepad, mouse and keyboard with mixed results.
I bought a second lazer gun and hit the targets when they are close. Their shields will go down just a bit but after a few seconds when their shields will be 100% again.
I 'll do the drill for half an hour or so and then i ll get bored by not being able to kill them.
Targeting is difficult even with a gamepad(jerky movement of the ship) but even with somewhat bad targeting i should have been able to kill them. What is the deal here? What am I doing wrong. I have played many space combat sims before, including WC games, but i have never encountered something this impossible at the beginning of the game.
Is it the ship, the lasers, the controls, me? I do not know....
*edit for typo
Post edited October 30, 2014 by mastorak
This question / problem has been solved by potato_head