micartu: Edit:
the floppy version+speech packfloppy present speech only in space or in the intro the remaninig dialogues are subbed.
Easy, you were typing really fast there. OK: floppy version + speech pack present speech ONLY AND ONLY in the intro, AND NOT in space (space and all remaining dialogues are subbed, just to make it clear).
micartu: Privateer floppy + Expansion without the speech floppy pack presente only subs. So if someone of you have Privateer floppy disk you can make a patch to apply to the gog version.
Again, too fast. What exactly does "expansion" means? Does it mean Righteous Fire? The Gog version is the CD version of Privateer plus the RF expansion, right? I somehow fail to see it how can a patch be made from the floppy version (I have it) so that subtitles would work together with speech in both games. My respectful opinion is that you were just guessing, sorry :\