GalaCeir: prophecy i can't say, it was released in 1997 and was for windows 95/98 as the others were all dos, and was released in 2003 for gba though i dont know much more on that and assume given the format it probably was horrible. As for armada i'm a bit surprised because it came out in between privateer and wing commander III and featured the new ship graphics and style that would be used in WC3 onward, i also noticed they're missing academy which wasnt all to great. They also lack privateer 2 which is for the best being it was not put out by chris roberts and utterly sucked, making Freelancer the more correct seqeul in terms of what chris envisioned the where and what he wanted to do both with WC and privateer, and if you played it you might see the same story arc as privateer with the aliens and what not.
oh well Chris' current project star citizen should be coming out in 2014 we can hope for the best with that.
and to throw this out if you havent heard of star citizen yet. Its going to be mmo like freelancer and free to do as you please, but the plot line will be more of a reboot of wc with name and terms changed due to legal suits because though origin is dead EA still owns all the copy rights, which is funny because of what i saw of the new carrier it looks like the tigers claw but the graphics will blow you away.
I've actually got a copy of the GBA version of Prophecy. As a flight sim, it's not all that great. As a technical achievement on a piece of hardware as weak as the GBA, it's astounding. It's not terrible as a game, either, it's just kind of limited.