Billy_Bean: Anybody got any tips for fighting in asteroids in Privateer? As you will know, sometimes enemies within asteroid fields are unavoidable - and if you try to run you almost always hit an asteroid.. The old trick of afterburning through while moving the stick rapidly up and down doesn't seem to work in the GOG version
"Safe" speed in Asteroids Field is c.a. 300-350 (while flying Centurion). You can outmaneuver almost all ships and shot them down.
If you want to run then press F8 (view from rear) and try to avoid asteroids as close as possible - it's a big chance that chasing opponent will crash. From time to time change your direction but not more then 45 degrees (to not loose much speed and to not make distance shorter for chasing enemies). Don't hit afterburner for long because you'll crash and with high speed it will be game over...