zippythezip: Not interested in MP games so after reading game really shines as CO-OP or MP I wander if the single player experience is that bad? I enjoyed the last Sid Pirates.
So far it very much reminds me of the old Sid Meier's Pirates game without the captain dueling bit or the romancing bits. You can sail about hunting pirates, taking over towns, or just be a peaceful type trader doing quests and trade runs in your peaceful area. Although in order to expand your area you need to sail to pirate infested waters and take over the towns. I started on a large map so I have not gotten anywhere near the other factions yet, only pirates.
It do seem a bit grindy trying to make enough money to upgrade me ship though, but so far I'm having fun sailing around like I used to in Pirates Gold hunting pirates. Other than the random type quests each town will give you I do not see any storyline to follow, so SP may tend to get boring after a while, but if you don't mind having no main storyline to follow, then it's fun.