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high rated
Patch 2016-06-22 (22nd June 2016)
NPCs will no longer crit, making their damage more predictable. This is going to be most noticeable during dragon fights since a single volley crit was doing an insane amount of damage, but you can also expect Pirate King volleys to be much less deadly as well.
Made 10% resist items a much more common drop.
Swapped all resists on dragon essences. For example Fire essence will now protect against frost. This makes more sense as the item would effectively make the opposite dragon’s encounter easier. This will only affect newly dropped essences.
Reduced the damage of dragons in addition to the NPC crit removal.
Added /setZone noRespawns = [true/false] to prevent all players and NPCs from respawning. Useful for events like last player standing free-for-all, for example. Players that die will automatically enter the observer mode.
Added /setZone ffa = [true/false] to enable a free-for-all PvP event (dev build only).
Added /pause command to the dev build to stop NPCs from spawning. Players will still be able to respawn. Using the /pause command the second time will pause all respawns, including players. Using /pause the third time will resume all respawns.
Pirate kings and higher tier bosses are no longer controllable by players, regardless of level.
Going to be testing an alternate version of a dragon fight on the Tasharen server -- 15 players per instance with nothing in it vs a dragon. Players that die remain dead. If all players get defeated, the fight is considered to be lost. Of course the dragon’s HP and damage are going to be scaled down, but resistances are still going to be very important.
Increased the damage-over-time effect from fire essence ammunition to 400% of previous.
Restored player Regeneration effect to how it used to be.
Higher tier bosses will no longer favor sticking to one tough target.

2016-06-21 (22nd June 2016)
Fix for resistances not functioning properly.

Patch 2016-06-20 (22nd June 2016)
Reduced download size from 150 MB to 130 MB by removing unused textures.
Reduced +buff -buff spam in combat.
20.1: Fixed healing amounts being doubled up when displayed via the floating text.
20.1: Nerfed passive regeneration a bit. For players it’s not going to be noticeable, but for dragons it most certainly will be. Passive regeneration of 1 million HP per tick on the - Nether dragon was a tad much. Regeneration is now based on the base HP percentage, not unit’s actual HP.
20.1: Another fix for +buff -buff spam.

Patch 2016-06-19 (22nd June 2016)
Added a Nether dragon.
Added Nether damage type and resistance.
Added a way to turn off HUD Text via options in order to reduce combat clutter.
Changed how damage gets reported to other players. It’s now immediate, and both damage and healing will show up while in combat, even if healing exceeds the max health.
Inferno debuffs from multiple players will now stack.
Ultra graphics quality water will now reflect projectiles.
19.1: The Ultra quality water was reflecting too much… even the UI. Fixed!

Patch 2016-06-18 (22nd June 2016)
Another fix for old players returning unable to spawn with a “Ships/Ship#” error.

Patch 2016-06-17 (22nd June 2016)
Added a new authorized server for Tasharen - East Coast 1.

Patch 2016-06-16 (22nd June 2016)
Made it possible to have a free-for-all mode where everyone in the region is hostile to everyone else.
Made the faction bar up top support more than 7 factions.
The /die command has been extended to allow server admins to kill NPCs.
Made it possible for dev build users to specify player ship selection overrides for special events like turning all players into dragons.
Dev build’s /die has been changed to /kill.
The range at which AOEs would cling to their target was increased by 25%.
Windward will now copy the GOG ID file over to My Documents since GOG client tends to overwrite its own generated file when updating the game.
Players returning after a long absence will no longer be stuck in observer mode due to their ship no longer existing.
16.1: More GOG-related tweaks.
16.1: Top faction indicator should now show the pirate faction as near-black again.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by ElTerprise
high rated
Patch 2016-06-15 (16th June 2016)
Reduced improved water barrel’s heal over time from 100% to 75% and its overall healing by 20%.
Water barrel explosions no longer have to directly hit towers to heal them.
Acid dragon ammunition now reduces healing by 80% instead of 100% (matches offensive specialization player’s poison).
Redesigned the way buffs are synchronized yet again (simplifying it), making it possible to have buffs stacking from multiple sources. For example: inferno dropped by multiple people. The Inferno itself hasn’t been changed, it’s just the possibility for it to stack that has been added.
Added another flying ship – defensive oriented one this time.
Defensive specialization’s turning bonus is now gradual. The slower the player’s ship is moving, the faster they are able to turn. The same bonus now also affects flying ships. This means you no longer have to hold anchor to get the bonus, and can drift with the wind!
Boss type NPCs now have a stronger Noxious effect that mimics Offensive-specialized players (reduces the healing effects).
Boss type NPCs will now use the improved water barrel (heal over time).
15.1: Un-nerfed the other flying ships’ turning rates

Patch 2016-06-12 (13th June 2016)

Fixed a minor issue with specialization auras not refreshing buffs in a proper fashion.
Fixed an issue where buffs were not synchronized all that well.
Fixed a bug that was causing the player ship to be sync’d with everyone every 3 seconds, adding quite a bit of unnecessary bandwidth as well as the +Buff -Buff spam that I merely masked in the previous update.
Added an improved water barrel that can drop in heroics. It does 25% of its heal up front, then another 100% as a heal over time lasting 10 seconds (for a total of 125%). It has a 25% longer cooldown, but has a heal radius of 8 instead of 5. Holding shift while using the improved water barrel turns it into a regular one.
Fixed a minor issue where colors were not wrapped properly in chat from line to line.
Fixed a long-standing bug where the regeneration penalty effect of offensive specialization was never actually working. As such, poison no longer prevents Hasty Repairs from being used – however the 80% regen penalty now works as intended for offensive specialized players and the AI will not try to repair while that debuff is active at full strength. As an added benefit, the healing penalty now affects all forms of healing – from passive regeneration to Water Barrel. As yet another benefit, the debuff does not get simply washed away by using the water barrel, and will affect healing even when applied halfway through Hasty Repair’s duration.
You can allow Hasty Repairs to be used while debuffed by using:
/set repairLockout = 1.0
+Buff -Buff notifications will no longer appear around friendly players in order to reduce on-screen spam.
Ultra-crits from dragon ammunition now have effects in addition to the extra damage.
Fire: damage over time.
Ice: slow, just like shredding ammo / chain shot.
Acid: prevents all forms of healing.
Electricity: resistance debuff.
Added a target dummy to test damage per second / healing per second. Currently limited to a dev build creation, you can find them on the Tasharen server. That should help you figure out which builds do more damage.
Offensive specialization armor debuff on hit is now 3 times less effective (it was simply doing too much).
Armor going below 0 due to armor penetration / debuffs no longer causes weirdness in the math. Before it was causing damage to get multiplied in an odd way, often resulting in higher armor values rather than lower. Now it’s simply capped at 100% damage.
Elite Training talent from the Support line now also increases the duration of effects by up to 32%. It will likely be moved into a separate talent when talents will get expanded in the future.
Boosted the passive defensive resist bonus from 10% to 15%.
Dragonfly can now strafe by holding left shift and using A/D while not moving forward.

Patch 2016-06-09.0 (10 June 2016)
Fixed friendly Inferno affecting players all of a sudden and also changed it to no longer affect the player that used it.
Heroics will now always drop appropriate resist gear.
NPCs will now drop resist gear appropriate to whatever weaponry they are using.
Significantly reduced the chance of NPCs using elemental weaponry outside of heroics.
Fix for volley being more difficult to target as of the last update.
Shock weaponry now ignores 70% armor (down from 100%)
Item resistances now give 5% at a time instead of 10%, making the maximum from dropped items + support aura + defensive spec be 100% instead of 180%.
Defensive specialization should no longer apply its resistance bonus unless actually in defensive spec mode.
Resistances are now shown on the stats window if they are other than 0.
Physical damage mitigation due to armor is now also shown on the inventory page.
10.1: Made creaking mast sound slightly less annoying in observer mode.
10.1: Rebalanced the damage done by dragon fire weaponry: currently set to 20% chance to inflict 600% damage on a critical hit instead of the 200% inflicted by normal crits. Doing some math, this results in ever-increasing damage as crit chance rises. 15% crit = 10% extra damage, 33% = 20%, 60% crit = 30% extra damage.
Revamped the targeting system a bit in order to make AI properly use target-related skills.The AI were ignoring certain limitations before… Coincidentally this also fixes a bug where there would be message spam visible after releasing control of an NPC unit.
Various AI improvements. Higher tier NPCs (kings and such) are no longer affected by ramming damage or nearby explosions.
Flying AI ships no longer get auto-killed when leaving the play area.
Fix for critted inferno sound duration expiring before the effect does.
Fix for last night’s dragon drop not changing Inferno from fire to ice.
Fix for damage-over-time effects applying multiple times in multiplayer

Patch 2016-03-08
Another quick fix to ensure that mods that don’t modify the existing config won’t flag items as requiring them.

Patch 2016-03-07 (08th March 2016)

Fixed a bug with mod matching not working properly. It was a silly typo…
Mod mismatch-marked items can now be given to other players. Players running the dev build can fix it via right-click.

Patch 2016-02-21 (22nd February 2016)
Fixed issues some players were having when loading vaults that had modded items in them.

Patch 2016-02-18 (19th February 2016)

Required list of mods is now saved in the server’s configuration file.
Mods are now verified via hashes, so if something changes you can expect a mismatch.
Server admins can now /allowMod and /disallowMod to allow specific mods on the server. In order to allow a mod it must be active. Allowing a mod means that clients that have that mod enabled will be able to play on your server, but it is not required in order to play. It is not recommended to allow mods that add new content such as new ships, quests, etc. It’s only a good idea to allow pure client-side mods that won’t affect other players. One example would be the camera mod.

Patch 2016-02-09 (10th February 2016)
Mods that don’t add any code no longer cause items to get marked as requiring that mod. Note that this only affects single player games. If playing multiplayer, it will behave like it did before and all mods that alter game’s configuration will be marking items as requiring them.
Land-based units can now place structures on land away from bodies of water.
Fix for the tank’s turret not being controllable when taking control of AI.
The Tank and Spaceship can now both be found on Steam Workshop.
Updated Modder’s Tools with the latest model exporter capable of exporting Asset - Bundles (what I used to export both tank and spaceship). Also added the Tank to it in case modders want to know exactly how it was made. Asset Bundles are able to include custom shaders, physics materials, particle effects and other Unity stuff. Only code can’t be included. To export any model as an Asset Bundle, make a prefab with it (drag it from the scene into the Project view), select the newly created prefab, choose the menu options Assets -> DataNode -> Export Selected -> as AssetBundle.
Post edited June 22, 2016 by ElTerprise
high rated
Patch 2016-02-07 (08th February 2016)
XP reward for ships is now based on all primary stats, not just HP.
Ship stats are now capped based on the minimum region level where that ship can appear and can no longer exceed the sum of 12 (defense + offense + support).
Modifying the terrain while colliding with it should no longer make your ship get permanently stuck being pushed in a specific direction.
Land-based units should no longer be able to bring along followers.

Patch 2016-02-03 (04th February 2016)

Added /scaleStats that force-enables or disables stat scaling in the current region (admin command). This is identical to scaling that happens during PvP and in instances.
Added /set capStats = [true/false] ← Whether player stats will be capped while in regions below the player’s level.
It’s now possible to create ships that have turrets that rotate to follow the mouse.
Added support for land-based vehicles.
Created a tank test vehicle. It’s a land-based vehicle that can also go underwater. It has a rotating turret that can be aimed with the mouse. It also has a new skill tied to the turret that does quite a bit of damage. Drive it around the Tasharen server later this week.
Terrain generation can now be altered via the world’s config file. Note that changing the world’s config will affect all existing regions as well, so this is only recommended for new worlds! Just add any of the following entries at the bottom of the world.dat.config file: terrainHeight ← Defines the height of the terrain. Default is 16, meaning the terrain’s highest point will be 16 units above its lowest point. terrainOffset ← Defines the terrain’s vertical offset. Default is -7.5, meaning the terrain’s lowest point will be 7.5 units below sea level. terrainRoughness ← Defines how rough the terrain will be. Default is 1. Lower value will result in a smoother terrain. Higher value will result in a jagged, uneven terrain.
03.3: Added /3rdPerson to switch the camera to 3rd person and back.
03.3: Added /set 3rdPerson = [true/false] to force 3rd person mode on your server.

Patch 2016-01-23-1 (28th January 2016)

Recompiled the server executable, thus changing its signature for Kapersky, resolving its false positive.

Patch 2016-01-23 (26th January 2016)

Fixed the Menagerie achievement not unlocking if you happened to unlock the 16th ship on a server that had more ships. Menagerie will now trigger off of 11th ship, so you don’t need to unlock everything anymore.
It’s now possible to change world options using /set: /set war = [true/false] ← Permanent PvP or not /set playerShips = [true/false ← allow player ships or not /set challenge = [0.0 - 1.0] ← 0 being 50% challenge, 0.5 being 100%, 1 = 200% /set damage = [0.0 - 1.0] ← 0 being 50% damage, 0.5 being 100%, 1 = 200%
Inferno’s damage to sails now scales the same way as hull damage (reduced at low lvl)
Spending talent points to upgrade items now subtracts a proper amount of XP.
XInput is now enabled automatically for XBOX One controllers.
Patch 2016-01-19-1 (14th January 2016)
upload simply removes the space game’s content from it.

Patch 2016-01-09 (11th January 2016)
XP awarded for completing an instance is now scaled with the region’s size. 128x128 will give 25% XP, 256x256 will give 100%, 512x512 will give 400%. Same goes for driving out pirates.
Players can no longer be pirates in instances, and pirates don’t get XP in instances.
All ships now have the same base range on cannons and it can no longer be changed.
Pirates can no longer challenge regions.

Patch 2016-01-04 (07 January 2016)
Playing single player no longer uses sockets. It’s now a true offline mode (unless you check “allow friends to join”, of course).
WWServer now has a new -http command-line parameter you can specify, making it respond to web requests. Navigating to your server’s address in the web browser (ex: [url=][/url]) will show you how many players are online and who they are.

Patch 2016-01-02 (04 January 2016)
minor bug fix update
Post edited June 22, 2016 by ElTerprise
high rated
Patch 2015-12-19.0 (21 December 2015)
Added two events: Ghost King (juggernaut) and Booty Run (capture the flag). Admins can toggle them in any region using /juggernaut and /ctf commands, respectively. - - - --- These are currently considered to be in “beta” and some features have been turned off to preserve backwards compatibility. Future version will improve some things (CTF in particular) when I can break backwards compatibility again.
Ghost King: one player randomly becomes the ghost king, buffing their damage through the roof, switching their faction to pirate and turning them into a ghost. Other players hunt the ghost king. Whoever kills the ghost king becomes the next ghost king. - Ghost king’s kills are kept track of, and the player with the highest kill count before death becomes the winner. Only non-flying ships can become ghost kings.
Booty Run: two towns, players split randomly into two teams. Each town has the booty that can be picked up by the opposing team and carried over to their own town. - - - - - - - Securing the booty is only possible if the team still has their own booty in their town’s harbour. If the player carrying the booty is destroyed, it returns to the harbour. Only non-flying ships can pick up the booty.
Server option “eventPlayerRequirement” determines how many players need to be present in the region before the event begins. By default it’s set to 10. Change it with /set eventPlayerRequirement = #
Symbols can now have text on them and it won’t look flipped on the sails’ reverse side.
Another fix for “mod mismatch” issue on Steam workshop where inventory was getting marked by mods when it shouldn’t have been.
Altered the colors of the ship’s hull a bit, making it possible to have a pure white hull.
Air ships had their base range reduced from 18 to 16, making them match all other ships.
Deflect is now usable even at 100% health.

Patch 2015-11-02 (04 November 2015)

Player files are no longer locked to mods. Items that get created while mods are active will become locked to mods instead. If you don’t have the necessary mods active, those items simply won’t function: their stats won’t apply, and it won’t be possible to equip, sell or salvage them.
Player resources and XP earned in modded games are now tracked separately from resources and XP earned in vanilla games. This way if you want to make a mod that gives you a bazillion gold in single player you won’t be prevented from playing online.
Upgrading items using gold now depends on the level difference between the item’s current level and the player’s level. In other words upgrading an item by only 1 level is going to be much cheaper than upgrading it by 10 levels.
Fixed the item description when combining advanced construction supplies with other tools.
Opening up the world map for the first time will now be faster.

Patch 2015-10-28 (29 October 2015)

Fixed resource cost of all skills. They were roughly 1/10th of what they should have been.
Added a Fog Light tool -- it lets you see through obscuring fog.
Fixed the damage on the Explosive Barrel. It had its damage reduction factor applied twice erroneously, reducing its damage significantly.
Explosive Barrel will now also apply a Slow effect on its targets for 6 seconds when used on AI or 4 seconds when used on players.
Explosive Barrel is now 100% affected by Damage (used to be 50% damage 50% diplomacy).
Fixed the Zeppelin achievement not unlocking. Simply switching to the Zeppelin will unlock that achievement.
Advanced Construction Supplies is now a Tool item, and contains both Siege and regular Guard Tower building skills.
Added a 16th ship. You may have seen it on the Tasharen East Coast 1 server.
AI will no longer immediately start using skills like poison and inferno at levels 15 and 27. They now have a chance of using that skill starting at 20%, going up with level.
AI should no longer be able to repair immediately after exiting combat. They should now be stuck in combat for 5 seconds.
Airship’s mobility is now affected by the condition of the sails. If the sails are shredded, airships will be significantly less maneuverable than before.
Sloop of War and Schooner blueprints will now be unlocked from the start. Other ships still need to be found in the world and defeated first before they can be built in towns.
Flying ships should now be quite a bit faster while in the air (but slower while in the water).
Couple of minor fixes for modded ships such as explosions not working.
high rated
Patch 2015-10-23.1 (26 October 2015)
Completely redesigned how ships are structured and stored in the resources. It’s now possible to create custom ships and package them into a single file that will then be picked up by the game. It’s a big change aimed at making modding ships much easier and will be explained with a video in the near future.
Added two new ships, bringing the current number of playable ships to 15. Note that due to other changes below you won’t see new ships for sale until you unlock them.
Improved how ship sails are structured. Before every sail was a separate cloth item, but now all of the ship’s sails are under one object. This should improve performance, especially on mobile devices.
Added ghost ships (/set halloween = true).
Improved the look of all ships (more details are shown with higher graphics settings).
Before a ship can be purchased, one must now first find and defeat enough enemies sailing that ship (anywhere from 1 to 10, depending on your luck!). If you’ve already unlocked a ship prior to this update, it will stay unlocked.
Turtle Ship and Drekkar are no longer limited to King tier AI.
When ships become available to be used for AI is now settable via the config file.
Altered stats of ships starting from the Galleon onwards, making their stats balanced in regards to each other. Many ships now have higher stats as a result and there is now a much greater variety to choose from, whether you’re Defensive, Offensive, Support spec’d or a hybrid, you should now have an ideal ship for you.
Ships tab in towns will now show all ships for which the player has discovered blueprints, even if the town is too small to build them.
Players will now do more or less damage to AI ships based on whether they have encountered them before or not. Fighting a new ship type results in players dealing less damage to it than normal. This penalty is quickly reduced as the player defeats that ship type and is gone completely after 5 kills. Past that it turns into a bonus damage instead (up to 25%). This damage bonus is passive and stacks with everything else. The penalty doesn’t start until regions with talent point requirement of 9 and higher.
The Zeppelin can now be unlocked by discovering the blueprint like with other ships, then building it in-town. Doing so costs 1 million gold. The quest route is now half that amount.
Server admins can now upload custom pennant and sail textures (these are not symbols!) into Pennants and Sails folders, respectively. Same place the Symbols textures would go. The game will request unknown textures from the server automatically.
Added an admin command /upload to upload something to the server. For example: /upload Symbols/Some Texture.png ← will upload My Documents/Windward/Symbols/Some Texture.png to the server if it’s present. /upload Pennants/Awesome Pennant.png ← will upload My Documents/Windward/Pennants/Awesome Pennant.png to the server. /upload Ships/New Awesome Ship.bytes ← will upload My Documents/Windward/Ships/New Awesome Ship.bytes to the server. Note that this command makes /uploadSymbol obsolete.
Exported ships can now be a part of mods by simply including them in the mod’s Ships folder and referencing them in the mod’s Config file. Using existing ship names will effectively overwrite the built-in ones, so if someone wants to create better models -- they now can.
/set command used to set server options can now load files containing a more detailed hierarchy just like you see in the Config.txt and world.config files. Usage: /set . The “path” is relative to the My Documents/Windward folder, so if you are trying to set symbols that will drop in the game as loot, create a file with contents like this:, modify it, save it as My Documents/Windward/symbols.txt, then use the /set symbols.txt command to send it over to the server. All this command will do is parse the file like it was a part of the config file and update the appropriate value on the server, automatically merging it with all existing data. You can use a different name than “symbols.txt” of course, just make sure it matches the /set command.
Server admins can now upload new custom ships to their server using the /upload command. All players will automatically download these new ships and they will appear in towns and will be used by NPCs as if they were built-in. No mods required this way, assuming the custom ships don’t use any custom code. Tutorial video:
/get and /set commands now support hierarchical paths. For example: /get Factions/Fac0/Multipliers /set Factions/Fac0/Multipliers/Damage = 2
Completing a trade or a quest will now result in the town’s production/demand increasing or another quest getting added.
Trades that fulfil higher demands will now grant items to the player completing the trade. The greater the demand, the better the reward.
When towns gain levels their production and demands are no longer reset.
Quests now have random bonus objectives (up to 3), such as avoiding enemies or completing a trade along the way. Finishing a quest with a completed bonus objective gives an item as a reward. The more bonus objectives were completed, the better the reward.
World generation no longer places pirates everywhere. Most of the world will now be empty, up to players to colonize. Those that prefer action can still run instances or visit the regions that are still pirate-controlled.
It’s now possible to generate flag type items that change the texture used by the pennant on top of the ship’s mast(s), although I’ll leave this as admin rewards / modder items and will cover this in a future tutorial.
Added a slider to world creation that lets you adjust the amount of pirate-controlled regions when generating a new world. 0% = no pirates, empty world, yours to colonize. 100% = pirate towns in every region, yours to capture.
You can now specify pennant textures used by factions in the config file the same way you can specify symbols (pennant = “Texture Name”). Place the pennant texture in My Documents/Windward/Pennants. It must be a PNG, ideal dimensions of 128x32. The texture will be used as a mask by default where Red = grayscale, Green = mask showing which part is colored by primary and which by secondary pennant color. Blue = unused. Alpha = defines the shape of the pennant. If you don’t want it to be masked and want to use it as-is, make the texture’s name end with “RGB”. Example pennants can be found here: (but note that the game can only load PNGs).
Added /createPennant , matching the /createSymbol command. To upload custom pennants, use the /upload command. The full process is as follows:
Create the pennant texture (128x32 dimensions) and save it under My Documents/Windward/Pennants/.png
If playing online or if you want to update an existing texture while in-game, use /upload Pennants/.png
Create the equippable pennant item using /createPennant
It’s now possible to have colored symbol textures. To have a colored symbol, simply have the texture name end with “RGB”:
Removed the timer on paints and dyes that would dry them and make them “baked in”. This makes it possible to always unequip customization items, restoring faction colors. -Note that restoring faction colors won’t work on ships created prior to this update. I chose to do it this way so that players won’t suddenly lose their chosen colors.
Made pennants show their texture in inventory much like symbols.
Created a ship modding project used by the ship modding tutorial video. ← requires Unity 4.6.9 ( Won’t work in Unity 5. Check the ReadMe file for a brief explanation of the steps necessary in order to create and add new ships to Windward.
Put up a new PvE server (Tasharen East Coast 1) with a world generated as 50% pirates, giving players the option to either fight or colonize, depending on their preference.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by ElTerprise
high rated
Patch 2015.09.16 (18 September.2015)
Updated the server to the latest version, merged from Starlink changes and migrated the lobby server to a new location. The game now points to this new location automatically, and all server admins need to update their WWServer.exe in order for their servers to show up. The old lobby will be shut down within a few days.
Changed the way town liberation works. Now when a town gets liberated, it will no longer get immediately flipped. Instead, a player will be given a choice whether to flip that town to the liberated faction and gain some rep with that faction.

Patch 2015.08.31 (02 September 2015)
Added extra code to prevent pirated versions from ruining players’ experience. The game has no DRM, so “cracking” an old version to mimic a newer version when connecting to the server is stupid, to say the least. Version checks are there for a reason. If you’re so hellbent on playing online with a pirated version, then just pirate the latest one, not some shady outdated version. Like I said: No DRM!
Added support for “flair” on ships. Currently in testing. Flair is basically extra decorations visible at mid to higher graphics settings. Only one ship has been set up with flair right now as it’s a prototype test feature for the time being. Bosses sailing this certain ship type will have flair visible. For players it’s an unlockable feature.

Patch 2015.07.19 (21 July 2015)
Stationary turning is now based on the “minSpeed” value as well.
Challenge level now sets the default “minSpeed”. 200% challenge means minSpeed of 0 (0% speed when sailing into the wind).
Adjusted wind effectiveness curves for all ships. They should now sail at maximum speed from a much wider range of angles, depending on their sail configuration.

Patch 2015.07.15 (15 July 2015)

Corrected an issue with the Mac version where save files were deleted after a session ended

Patch 2015.07.06 (07 July 2015)
Corrected issue where kills and quests weren't being tracked correctly.
Corrected issue where XP cap was incorrectly limited.
high rated
Changelog for Patch 2016-06-26.1 (added 27th June 2016):

- Reduced dragon’s HP by 40% and damage by 33%.
- Dragons will no longer use hasty repairs while in combat, allowing for them to break sight of players for 10 seconds before they begin to heal.
- Removed dragon’s chance of getting a Reckless Volley. Reckless Volley has a built-in crit chance, and critting dragons are bad, mmkay?
- Dropped Nether dragon’s essence’s stats should now function properly.
- Dropping the dragon’s health down to 75%, 50% and 25% will now reward players with legendary loot.
- Loot dropped by units defeated above land will now appear above the surface.
- Loot crates will now last 5-10 minutes (up from 3), depending on the loot’s quality.
- Loot spawned when defeating something outside the region’s bounds will now appear closer to the center.
- Added a Telescope – a better version of the Spyglass tool.
- If a player doesn’t damage anyone when the dragon’s curse ends, they will now be granted a new buff for 30 seconds increasing their hull, damage and diplomacy and preventing them from getting cursed again for the duration.
- AI will no longer try to ram anything if their sails are below 70%.
- Dragons will now ignore cursed players and will focus on others instead.
- Dragons will now keep their distance better and will not try to circle around players. They will get closer to use the breath, however.
- Dragons’ decision which enemy to attack will now become more erratic as they get hurt.
- Dragons will no longer curse the only player in sight. They will wait for others to show up.
- Guard towers will no longer crit.
- Siege towers will now use bigger ammunition.
- It’s now possible to leave the /observer mode in an instance without getting removed from the instance.
- 26.1: Fix for some ships not applying cannonball damage properly.

Changelog for Patch 2016-06-25:

- King-reflected IWIN will now only kill the player that used the skill and that player’s respawn timer will be greatly increased for the next respawn.
- Made it possible to properly work with arbitrary asset bundles uploaded to the server. Example: load and play custom sounds. (playing them is a dev build ability for now)
- Players killed by king tier or higher mobs will now have their respawn timers increased to 25 seconds for the next respawn (same as during the dragon fight).
- Combat and heroic regions now have a forced minimum size of 256.
- Heroic tier NPCs will now have resistances up to 30% and vulnerabilities up to 20% (up from 10% and 10%).
- Added a new Raid type instance. A little more difficult than a heroic but with better loot and has a dragon boss at the end. Very likely to be altered in a future update, as right now it’s pretty much just a heroic with a different boss, and starts with half the region controlled by the ”cultists”.
- Dragon defeated at the end of the Raid instance will now drop Nether resistance loot as well as essences. Admin intervention is no longer needed.
- Dragon loot now requires at least 6 players to be present in order to drop.
- Completion quest for heroics that always awards a legendary item now requires at least 2 players to be present. Raid quest requires 6. The loot inside can still be gathered solo for a well equipped player. Only the completion rewards have this limitation.
- Ship explosions should no longer affect loot crates.
- Added a new /open command that the person that started the instance can use. This will make it possible for players to right-click the name of any of the players in that instance and choose the “Join” option to join it automatically.
- Combat instances will no longer give the completion reward if there are fewer than 4 towns in the region.
- 25.1: Fixed a harmless error that was showing up during the dragon fight.
high rated
Changelog for updates 2016-07-03 and 2016-07-01/ GOG-37 (Windows/Linux)/ GOG-53 (Mac) (added 4 July 2016):

- Increased the range at which bird flocks become visible on ultra-widescreen monitors.
- Resist debuff (shock ammo / dragon roar) will now lower the nether resist as well.
- Players can now encounter the Nether biome raid without admin intervention. Hint: try wearing as much nether resist gear as possible before starting a raid.
- Added a built-in healthbar to all dragon bosses.
- Fixed a bug that was causing fire-based towers’ damage over time effects to stack too much.
- Fixed a bug where the team manager script would forcefully kill NPCs, including dragons, if there were too many pirates present.
- Acid essence ammo’s heal debuff is no longer mitigated by resistance. Resistance now affects its duration instead.
- 03.1: Dragons should now drop the expected loot again and summon adds.
- 03.1: /open is now usable by the person that created the instance rather than the person with the lowest ping.
- 03.1: Raised instance respawn limit to 17 so players shouldn’t get stuck in /obs mode… as much.

- Fixed dragons not dropping 75/50/25% loot for players other than the person that “owns” the dragon (lowest ping player at the time the dragon was spawned).
- Tweaked the dragon’s AI a bit more and fleshed out the unique perks of the Nether dragon fight.
- Fixed instance experience sharing affecting observers.
high rated
Changelog for updates 2016-07-07 and 2016-07-04/ GOG-38 (Windows/Linux)/ GOG-54 (Mac) (added 8 July 2016):

- Joining heroics now requires 25 talent points and raids now require 65 talent points. Starting heroics still requires 39 talent points, and raids still requires 101 talent points.
- “Lite” mods that don’t alter config or add assemblies (localizations for example) no longer count as “mods” when joining a server.
- Structures placed very close to the water level will now be reflected in the water, while structures placed higher up won’t be.
- Added a “Play” button to exit the observer mode to make it more obvious.

- Towers and lighthouses should now invalidate trees around them again.
- White flag should again no longer prevent being able to cap pirate towns.
- IWIN will now work on pirate lords.
high rated
Changelog for update 2017-06-17 / (Windows) / (Mac) / (Linux) (added 19 June 2017):

- Fixed the “back door” for entering instances via the play button after observing.
- Improved the water shader a bit.
- Embassy placement is now on a 2 hour silent cooldown. There won’t even be an option to place a second embassy for 2 hours after the first.
- Flyers can no longer fly in PvP unless the region’s level is 101 or higher (PvE servers). On PvP servers this is level 33 or higher.
Post edited June 20, 2017 by DeMignon