Posted June 22, 2016
high rated
Patch 2016-06-22 (22nd June 2016)
NPCs will no longer crit, making their damage more predictable. This is going to be most noticeable during dragon fights since a single volley crit was doing an insane amount of damage, but you can also expect Pirate King volleys to be much less deadly as well.
Made 10% resist items a much more common drop.
Swapped all resists on dragon essences. For example Fire essence will now protect against frost. This makes more sense as the item would effectively make the opposite dragon’s encounter easier. This will only affect newly dropped essences.
Reduced the damage of dragons in addition to the NPC crit removal.
Added /setZone noRespawns = [true/false] to prevent all players and NPCs from respawning. Useful for events like last player standing free-for-all, for example. Players that die will automatically enter the observer mode.
Added /setZone ffa = [true/false] to enable a free-for-all PvP event (dev build only).
Added /pause command to the dev build to stop NPCs from spawning. Players will still be able to respawn. Using the /pause command the second time will pause all respawns, including players. Using /pause the third time will resume all respawns.
Pirate kings and higher tier bosses are no longer controllable by players, regardless of level.
Going to be testing an alternate version of a dragon fight on the Tasharen server -- 15 players per instance with nothing in it vs a dragon. Players that die remain dead. If all players get defeated, the fight is considered to be lost. Of course the dragon’s HP and damage are going to be scaled down, but resistances are still going to be very important.
Increased the damage-over-time effect from fire essence ammunition to 400% of previous.
Restored player Regeneration effect to how it used to be.
Higher tier bosses will no longer favor sticking to one tough target.
2016-06-21 (22nd June 2016)
Fix for resistances not functioning properly.
Patch 2016-06-20 (22nd June 2016)
Reduced download size from 150 MB to 130 MB by removing unused textures.
Reduced +buff -buff spam in combat.
20.1: Fixed healing amounts being doubled up when displayed via the floating text.
20.1: Nerfed passive regeneration a bit. For players it’s not going to be noticeable, but for dragons it most certainly will be. Passive regeneration of 1 million HP per tick on the - Nether dragon was a tad much. Regeneration is now based on the base HP percentage, not unit’s actual HP.
20.1: Another fix for +buff -buff spam.
Patch 2016-06-19 (22nd June 2016)
Added a Nether dragon.
Added Nether damage type and resistance.
Added a way to turn off HUD Text via options in order to reduce combat clutter.
Changed how damage gets reported to other players. It’s now immediate, and both damage and healing will show up while in combat, even if healing exceeds the max health.
Inferno debuffs from multiple players will now stack.
Ultra graphics quality water will now reflect projectiles.
19.1: The Ultra quality water was reflecting too much… even the UI. Fixed!
Patch 2016-06-18 (22nd June 2016)
Another fix for old players returning unable to spawn with a “Ships/Ship#” error.
Patch 2016-06-17 (22nd June 2016)
Added a new authorized server for Tasharen - East Coast 1.
Patch 2016-06-16 (22nd June 2016)
Made it possible to have a free-for-all mode where everyone in the region is hostile to everyone else.
Made the faction bar up top support more than 7 factions.
The /die command has been extended to allow server admins to kill NPCs.
Made it possible for dev build users to specify player ship selection overrides for special events like turning all players into dragons.
Dev build’s /die has been changed to /kill.
The range at which AOEs would cling to their target was increased by 25%.
Windward will now copy the GOG ID file over to My Documents since GOG client tends to overwrite its own generated file when updating the game.
Players returning after a long absence will no longer be stuck in observer mode due to their ship no longer existing.
16.1: More GOG-related tweaks.
16.1: Top faction indicator should now show the pirate faction as near-black again.
NPCs will no longer crit, making their damage more predictable. This is going to be most noticeable during dragon fights since a single volley crit was doing an insane amount of damage, but you can also expect Pirate King volleys to be much less deadly as well.
Made 10% resist items a much more common drop.
Swapped all resists on dragon essences. For example Fire essence will now protect against frost. This makes more sense as the item would effectively make the opposite dragon’s encounter easier. This will only affect newly dropped essences.
Reduced the damage of dragons in addition to the NPC crit removal.
Added /setZone noRespawns = [true/false] to prevent all players and NPCs from respawning. Useful for events like last player standing free-for-all, for example. Players that die will automatically enter the observer mode.
Added /setZone ffa = [true/false] to enable a free-for-all PvP event (dev build only).
Added /pause command to the dev build to stop NPCs from spawning. Players will still be able to respawn. Using the /pause command the second time will pause all respawns, including players. Using /pause the third time will resume all respawns.
Pirate kings and higher tier bosses are no longer controllable by players, regardless of level.
Going to be testing an alternate version of a dragon fight on the Tasharen server -- 15 players per instance with nothing in it vs a dragon. Players that die remain dead. If all players get defeated, the fight is considered to be lost. Of course the dragon’s HP and damage are going to be scaled down, but resistances are still going to be very important.
Increased the damage-over-time effect from fire essence ammunition to 400% of previous.
Restored player Regeneration effect to how it used to be.
Higher tier bosses will no longer favor sticking to one tough target.
2016-06-21 (22nd June 2016)
Fix for resistances not functioning properly.
Patch 2016-06-20 (22nd June 2016)
Reduced download size from 150 MB to 130 MB by removing unused textures.
Reduced +buff -buff spam in combat.
20.1: Fixed healing amounts being doubled up when displayed via the floating text.
20.1: Nerfed passive regeneration a bit. For players it’s not going to be noticeable, but for dragons it most certainly will be. Passive regeneration of 1 million HP per tick on the - Nether dragon was a tad much. Regeneration is now based on the base HP percentage, not unit’s actual HP.
20.1: Another fix for +buff -buff spam.
Patch 2016-06-19 (22nd June 2016)
Added a Nether dragon.
Added Nether damage type and resistance.
Added a way to turn off HUD Text via options in order to reduce combat clutter.
Changed how damage gets reported to other players. It’s now immediate, and both damage and healing will show up while in combat, even if healing exceeds the max health.
Inferno debuffs from multiple players will now stack.
Ultra graphics quality water will now reflect projectiles.
19.1: The Ultra quality water was reflecting too much… even the UI. Fixed!
Patch 2016-06-18 (22nd June 2016)
Another fix for old players returning unable to spawn with a “Ships/Ship#” error.
Patch 2016-06-17 (22nd June 2016)
Added a new authorized server for Tasharen - East Coast 1.
Patch 2016-06-16 (22nd June 2016)
Made it possible to have a free-for-all mode where everyone in the region is hostile to everyone else.
Made the faction bar up top support more than 7 factions.
The /die command has been extended to allow server admins to kill NPCs.
Made it possible for dev build users to specify player ship selection overrides for special events like turning all players into dragons.
Dev build’s /die has been changed to /kill.
The range at which AOEs would cling to their target was increased by 25%.
Windward will now copy the GOG ID file over to My Documents since GOG client tends to overwrite its own generated file when updating the game.
Players returning after a long absence will no longer be stuck in observer mode due to their ship no longer existing.
16.1: More GOG-related tweaks.
16.1: Top faction indicator should now show the pirate faction as near-black again.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by ElTerprise