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First I want to say that I do enjoy the game, nevermind the mindless walking. It has a good start and it promises to be quite a catcher when finished. Thus I am all in to support the fellow developers as I can, which in this case would be by submitting issues.

And this one is peculiar. I noticed that in patch 0.1.7379 you "Increased trigger for putting the flowers", and my issue is tightly tied with that.

On my first attempt, I really didn't see the trigger on the grave. So I decided to open the inventory and DROP the flowers on the grave - I simply didn't know that I had to interact with the grave as no trigger was visible. After I dropped them, though, the trigger appeared and the list of items with which to interact was empty - the flowers were already dropped from my inventory.

Easy fix, you'd say - just pick up the flowers, then interact with the grave and choose them from the list, right? Right?

Not so much! The trigger for the grave was already so big, that I couldn't pick up the flowers! I was pointing at them dead center and still could only interact with the grave :)

Luckily, it was quite close to the beginning, so a game restart wasn't such a pain, but I thought I should report this - smaller gameobjects SHOULD be interactable while occupying a larger gameobjects space.

Thank you and keep up the good work! I will follow your progress with interest!