Ml33tninja: I sometimes feel like I am the only one who either played the first Wasteland or did not love Fallout 2 as much as many other do. While Wasteland 1 inspired the Fallout series it was its own series with its own lore and play style. I find the amount of detail amazing and I have been lucky enough to run into a very small amount of bugs. This feels like a sequel to the first Wasteland instead of another Fallout game and I am glad they did that. Maybe I am not seeing something, who knows.
Regardless of the fact that Fallout was meant to be a successor of Wasteland, made by the same people, even featuring direct references to Wasteland like the existence of the rangers and some story quirks, in my opinion Wasteland 2 plays a lot more like Fallout 1-2 than Wasteland 1. It has the same locations, characters and skills of Wasteland 1, also has hot zones on the world map, but that's where similarities end. Combat system (including action points, possibility of hitting firendlies, turn-based iniative-driven independently-positioned squad members), navigation (both within towns and on the world map) and even graphics are very similar to Fallout, (and it's worth mentioning that locations from Wasteland 1 have little resemblance in Wasteland 2).
When I say Fallout, I mean generally Fallout 1 or 2 because both are very similar (use the same engine, sprites, combat system, interface and so on).
Maybe the comparison is unfair since Wasteland 1 came in a time where you couldn't have anything like Fallout or Wasteland 2, but it's easy to spot the similarities with Fallout.
Why the hate against similarities with Fallout anyway? It has its share of similarities and differences, it's a different game/series/IP, same creators... so what?