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I`ve whined a bit about some stuff I don`t like about the game, so I thought why not point out the good stuff I like about it.

1. Ok, I like the whole radio communication audio stuff while travelling the Wasteland. For me, it really adds immersion. I also like the weary sound of the boss as if it`s all a lot of hardwork to keep on top of.

2. I like some of the Followers: the tramp, the guy in the white suit, the indian guy. I like Vas too, more because he`s so overpowered, but has the constitution of a tin can, so he balances out.

3. I liked very much the initial start of the game when you had to make a hard decision between two places to go. It was a little forced in certain parts, but I liked how the place you don`t go too, suffers and you can hear the suffering over the radio as things get worse. This really puts the pressure on you.

4. The fact that you can use a skill continuously no matter how many times you fail is good and realistic. Of course this is balanced by the fact that if you have a very low skill and try too many times you may get a critical failure, ruining that lock! Sometimes it`s best to just go away until your skills are better. Nicely done because the Devs used reality here to balance this mechanic out.

5. I like the (mostly) open ended way of dealing with difficult situations. For instance, I came across a bunch of robots that creamed my team if we touched any of their salvage... Then it dawned on me I had someone with high computer skills. I just got the person to reprogram all the robots and now they`re all friends!

6. I like the tactical combat, especially setting up. I am a settle-upper and love getting everyone in just the perfect attack position, leading with my sniper of course. When it all goes right, a battle can be very short.

7. The leadership thing I like a quite lot and works very well, especially in the later stages of its development. He becomes like a stabilisation wheel keeping everyone focused and working as a team. He may not be as good as them in using a weapon, but he becomes key to their overall success.

8. Big game. bigger than it first appears.

9. Has a somewhat Baldur`s Gate 1 and 2 feel, one of my all time favourite games, so that`s a plus.

10. The custom options at start are very good. I was able to put my face in the game and made a character that looked similar, although it could have more.

11. The Quirks and Perks are an excellent idea and really help flesh out a character and his skills. Worth restarting a new game for.

12. EVERYTHING has weight. Well almost everything. Excellent.

13. I like the references to some really old 80s tech. I`m pretty sure I saw a Furby in there and a Psion3, oh and some of the old console and video references as well.

14. Some areas of the game can be quite grim and harsh. this is good and gives more of a reason to try and bring Law and Order to it.

15. I like the water bottle icon when travelling and how it sloshes about.

16. I like the jostling sound of all the gear as the team travels both on map and on the tactical map.

That`s it.
I`m sure there are more others could point out....
Post edited November 09, 2015 by Socratatus
I really enjoyed the game, but my two biggest negatives I have for it is
1. The movement is slow, as characters walk on the map as normal people (the evil......), plus the animations in combat take so long to do.
2.This is my personal negative, but I am just the type of guy who likes to open every door I can open, reload the game every time to fail, which sucks when there is a room of over 6 items of medium plus higher level locks, comps, and etc.
GabesterOne: 1. The movement is slow, as characters walk on the map as normal people (the evil......), plus the animations in combat take so long to do.
Options > Combat Speed: increase it!

I wish you would have griped about this while you were playing so you could have had the relief! That's a bummer!

This is perhaps the #1 feature that is almost required in the Fallout 1+2 to make the combat not tedious, and am glad to have it in this game too.

Also you know on the travel map you can increase the speed with "fast", yes?
Post edited April 13, 2016 by drealmer7