Sufyan: Compared to the GTX 260, the "minimum" spec card, your card only lags behind in memory bandwidth. Unfortunately it seems to be quite far behind. Maybe it won't stop you from starting the game but who knows how it will run.
I run the game just fine ranging from 25-40fps on fairly high graphics settings on a six year old computer with a GTX 9800+ which has similar specs to the GTX 260.
For reference: and Hmm, now this is going to be hard to decide.. I was able to play Metro Last Light to completion(low settings @ avg of 24 FPS) so maybe I can get by with this game being turn based? Is there any moments where having a high fps would be needed? Like a situation with tons of effects(fires or water/mist) & a bunch of enemy's on screen at the same time?
Also I found this, not sure but if this ( is correct my GPU could handle it right?