CaveSoundMaster: But I can't seem to keep the opinion from dropping super fast? From my observation occupying a city close to their city or even them occupying a city close to yours seems to drop the opinion beyond repair. The same if you're just doing good. I guess what you need is some sort of list of how different actions (not just bribe) affect your standing with AI?
Those are the sorts of things that would start conflict between human players too, I would think. When borders rub up against each other or if someone starts getting powerful, war is more likely.
CaveSoundMaster: I am playing the campaign and the reason I'm interested in alliances is more flavour/RP than strictly finding optimal ways to play. Until now I have failed all my attempts at allying with any side I start with Trust, even after sending them thousands of gold. It just doesn't make sense that I'm just murdering everyone as supposedly a "good guy" and it is ruining my immersion tbh and makes me not want to play as taking part in a story is a huge part of the fun when playing campaigns. I really love the little environmental storytelling that is going on here with descriptions of every city and ruin, but I want the gameplay to support that a bit.
In a number of cases it is pretty random whether you'll be able to ally with someone else or not. I've generally had success allying with the Elenian Knights (green) in the second map when you are uniting the orders of knighthood. Occasionally I think I've gotten an alliance with Theira or Gildines, but I can't recall a time I've allied with the Bartonians.
Several of the maps have random starting dispositions; I've allied with the Selentine Empire before in Map 3, eliminating The Princess on my way to victory. Plains of Ar and the one with all the barbarian tribes are both huge crap shoots on whether someone will ally, as well as who. To help illustrate, I've had someone decide to ally (or not decide to ally) when I reloaded a save during the very same play through of a map for one reason or another (for example, the Forest Tribe decides to accept my alliance, but then I reload to the previous turn, end turn, and they didn't accept this time).
If it helps your RP, you aren't quite the "good guy" here. This is a campaign of war, survival, and revenge, stopping Bane before he rolls over everything. If these other factions won't join you willingly, then they'll have to be brought to heel so you can continue the war against Bane. Most of the maps can end early with the other factions surrendering to you as long as Bane and Sartek are dead; you don't usually have to engage in complete annihlation, you just need a very decisive number of cities after Bane and Sartek have been eliminated. If you don't have decisive control of the area for each map, then you can't keep your supply lines safe, etc.
Some maps do have you start with allies (like the Dwarven Mines). Maybe the elves were too spooked about all the invaders to be willing to place nice with your particular faction of strangers?