Flesh420.613: It crashes for me if I put it above 800*600.
Okay, so here check out this program I just recently discovered after hours of searching
how to make "Warlords Battlecry 3" widescreen or even custom resolutions
Incase something eats the link or something.. google up this "dxwnd"
What does this do? Simple let me sumarize...
+Fullscreen (at any desktop resolution you want/set)
+Widescreen support (by stretching the image out, can look bad in some cases)
+Windowed mode
+Fixed Alt tab (atleast for me)
*Should work at literally any (even custom) desktop resolutions too.
*Should work for other games as well that are stuck at fullscreen with odd resolutions.
I realize that its a complicated little program and can take a little bit of setup to get it to work right.
But I can now play Warlords Battlecry 3 in literally any resolution (windowed mode) I want or set my desktop to.
This btw also fixes the Alt Tab issues this game demonstrated.
*Should probably mention I have to hit run program (Battlecry 3) from inside this little DxWnd tool, and my link
on my desktop doesn't work with it properly. That could easily by how I setup up mine though.
I did notice I had to turn off compatibility mode (Windows XP SP2 / SP3) and run as administrator. This may simply
be my particular setup though.
Oh yea, I'm using Windows 10 Pro 64bit at the time of this post/testing. Which I should point out, even without
that little DxWnd program, the game loads up and actually runs without any compatibility settings.
For those of you whom cant launch the game, you can find a log at the end of the startup file located
C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\Warlords Battlecry III
But to be honest so far I've seen the issue when windows installed the video card.
DirectX 9.0 B was listed as the Direct X needed for the game in the readme. It may also be required
for you to install that, I know Microsoft says you dont need it. But I've found that I do infact need files
from that DirectX 9.0C installer I use anyways to fix that.
PS. Upon extensive research. the actuall "allowed" resolutions in Warlords Battlecry 3 are in the actual
exe itself and are not changeable which is why this DxWnd program became usefull to get around it via
resolution stretching. Incidentally it would probably work for the rest of the battlecry series as I skim threw
the other posts here...