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jamieelsdon: it wont run on an intergrated graphic card, switch it to your graphic card. mine was in navidia settings
Beelzebubb: Thank you. I have win 10 acer 5 nitro laptop. I went to nvidia control panel and switched the ap (and rebooted) to use dedicated card. Completed 1st campaign. No problems with missions or cut scenes. Thanks.
Yep! This worked for me too! Runs like a charm!
windows 10
nvidia 2080 gtx
I9 9900kf

working fine on me when playing 1440p
Post edited March 10, 2020 by trancers
AMD FX4300 and R9 380 - game "works" but every loading equals long minutes of nothing (e.g. actual mision loading 5-10 minutes) and gameplay is laggy and freezing here and there -- but it works.

I have a ticket in support and will attempt to fix it.
jamieelsdon: it wont run on an intergrated graphic card, switch it to your graphic card. mine was in navidia settings
Thank you, worked for me.
From TheAlbinoWookiee:
So two other people posted this in another thread, and I'm going to repost in it's own thread.
So the game's got a slight issue with integrated graphics cards, where it'll have a splash come up, disappear, then not start up. Apparently it takes it ten ish minutes to start up, but will do it eventually. So here's how to fix it:

1. Open your NVIDIA Control Panel
2. Go to Manage 3D Settings
3. Set Preferred Graphics Processor to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor"
4. Click Apply
5. Give it a test
Its working (dont know in the future if we encounter an other problem)
Ne tourne pas sous Windows10!?! Mais que se passe t'il? GOG Help!
I have the same problem and it has to be something very specific cause i hadn't found any other forums talking about this on the internet
Vernkhal: From TheAlbinoWookiee:
So two other people posted this in another thread, and I'm going to repost in it's own thread.
So the game's got a slight issue with integrated graphics cards, where it'll have a splash come up, disappear, then not start up. Apparently it takes it ten ish minutes to start up, but will do it eventually. So here's how to fix it:

1. Open your NVIDIA Control Panel
2. Go to Manage 3D Settings
3. Set Preferred Graphics Processor to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor"
4. Click Apply
5. Give it a test
Its working (dont know in the future if we encounter an other problem)
This is solution for everyone's problem [nvidia]

worked like a charm. kudos TheAlbinoWookiee!
So essentially the problem is the grapichs card-that is to say if you have another non-integrated card you must switch over to that.
Which in my case just makes it impossible for me to play the game so I guess I have to ask for a refund.

Oh well I hoped there was some fancy solution
Vernkhal: From TheAlbinoWookiee:
So two other people posted this in another thread, and I'm going to repost in it's own thread.
So the game's got a slight issue with integrated graphics cards, where it'll have a splash come up, disappear, then not start up. Apparently it takes it ten ish minutes to start up, but will do it eventually. So here's how to fix it:

1. Open your NVIDIA Control Panel
2. Go to Manage 3D Settings
3. Set Preferred Graphics Processor to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor"
4. Click Apply
5. Give it a test
Its working (dont know in the future if we encounter an other problem)
With Windows 10 and so on... worked just fine! Thanks ;)
Post edited March 16, 2020 by Adrian_Willis
The option Preferred Graphics Processor does not exist for me