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Just the Verify/Repair function fixed it for me. I started the process and walked away and when I came back it was in the process of downloading the patch, which finished successfully. I know that hasn't worked for some but if anyone hasn't tried the verify/repair function, it's worth a shot.
Same problem. Tried update multiple times, nothing. Tried verifying before the update, it downloaded a small file (1.1 MB), tried update, failed again. I uninstalled and I'm reinstalling now, hoping that will solve it. I'll report when it's done (about 5 minutes to go).

EDIT: full reinstall worked.
Post edited December 11, 2024 by Wolfox
Glad to know its not just me. Ive never had a problem with Galaxy updating a game before. Trying the full reinstall to see if it works.

EDIT: can also confirm full reinstall did the trick.
Post edited December 11, 2024 by bucktoothgamer

Restarted Galaxy
Problem Fixed
Post edited December 11, 2024 by GogRobus
Thanks for all the reports :)

I also had to do a fresh game installation in order to get that new version. Really weird - wonder what went wrong with Owlcats patch file ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Verify and repair is not working for me. May have to re-install.

Pain in the butt.
Veryfying now updates the game.

Should you have any issues with updating/installing the game via GALAXY client, feel free to contact our dedicated support: link but make sure to attach at least GalaxyClient.log from: C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\logs (Windows) or /Users/Shared/ (Mac) to your request.
Post edited December 12, 2024 by Cypers
Running into this myself -- update through Galaxy client would download everything and then hang at "Downloading" at 6.40 GB out of 6.40 GB.

Canceled that and am trying a verify/repair. Note that this seemed to be an issue for older versions of Rogue Trader and the solution in the past was to change the temporary directory to something other than the game installation folder, so I've done that as well (Galaxy now uses C:\TEMP for downloads).

... a bit later...

The verify/repair worked! Possibly in combination with moving Galaxy's temporary directory to a fixed directory outside of the actual game directory.

1.3, here I come! :D
Can confirm. Could not update, but verify/repair did the trick
I had the same update failure problem. Verify got the game to update/fix itself after failing to update at 60% or so, despite the 6.4gb patch having been fully downloaded. The game dir was up to 75GB or so in size.

Galaxy client showed it redownloaed 28GB of data to fix the game in the end. Final install size back down to 36GB.
New hotfix out today. Hope it works for you this time.
I've had loads of trouble with this. Turned off Norton AV, all of a sudden all the problems with Galaxy and a few other issues went away.