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I've read the guides, which say to surround with multiple units, switch to melee weapons and use Shift to select, but it doesn't do anything.
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Wow, this place is dead.

To answer my own question, you have to multi-select the units using the standard RTS click and drag. It wasn't obvious at first because the selection box is rarely visible due to some graphical issues.
s3rialthrill3r: Wow, this place is dead.

To answer my own question, you have to multi-select the units using the standard RTS click and drag. It wasn't obvious at first because the selection box is rarely visible due to some graphical issues.
Just to elaborate on the more troublesome part of your issue, the graphical issues during the selection process - since the bonus for extra attackers, you're right, isn't explained in the manual itself, but was only tackled in the game's 1.0 Readme document. Which, unfortunately, you won't find in Gog's version of the game anymore... The "Beat down" mechanism itself only reflects the advantage one would get while attacking the single target with several units according to the table top game's second edtion rules.
But the graphical issues are something more recent, probably because of different display sizes and resolutions. I've found that this particular problem could be solved by modifying the "MULTIPLE_SELECT_DRAG_TOLERANCE" field in the "GenericData.dat" file localized in the Data subfolder of the game. Just open it with a text editor and change the default value (20) for something much greater. "200", in my case, does the trick: the drag selection yellow bow will then displayed again, as expected. You might have to experiment a bit in your case, but don't worry: nothing changed here can seriously affect your game.
Ahh the beat down... such wonderful memories. Assault squad surrounding a hapless demon and pounding him into dust...
Here's the content of the 1.0 Readme that is missing from the gog version of Chaos Gate (as they only have the 1.2 Readme that had removed all the 1.0 informations) , that contains some informations not found in the game manual (note it contains spoilers too) :

Chaos Gate (v 1.0)

Table of Contents

SECTION 1: Gameplay Notes
SECTION 2: Trouble Shooting
SECTION 3: Campaign Mission Hints

SECTION 1: Gameplay Notes

The techmarine and the apothecary both have special skills that require a specified amount of AP to use. Directly under the button will be a amount of APs the unit will have to spend in order to complete the task. Note: The task can take more than one turn of APs.

When multiple units are selected, and you have them simultaneously attack an enemy in hand to hand combat, the attacking units gain bonus attacks. Each unit gets one extra attack for each unit that has attacked before it. For example: you have three units selected, and they are all standing next to a Chaos Marine, and you have them attack the marine with their daggers. The first marine gets one attack, the second marine gets two attacks, and the third marine gets three attacks. Units that already have more than one attack still get the bonus.

When a unit is in Overwatch, and gets damaged, it is knocked out of overwatch. It is a good tactic to use frag grenades and spells to knock enemy units out of Overwatch before closing with them.

When Naming units in the Squad Selection screen, you need to hit Enter after typing in a unit's new name.

When saving games, the following keys cannot be used as part of the save name:
: ? " < > ^ * /
Using these keys will cause an error message to appear, and the game will not save. This is a Win95 issue.

Point Saving causes a unit to stop moving when it is down to the minimum number of Action Points needed to fire/use the weapon it has selected. Moving the unit after it has reached this point will override the Point Saving function.

When a lot of animations are on running simultaneously on the screen, low-end machines will experience a slowdown. Use the Animation Sliders to slow down the animation speed, which will speed up the rest of game play.

When Ultra Marines are placed on the map, the units are only placeholders. The boxes checked in the Mission Setup screen determine what types of units may be placed on the map during game play, and the Squad Selection screen determines which units are actually brought in. For instance, you can place a squad of Terminators on the map in the Editor, but you won't be able to bring Terminators into the game unless they are checked off in the Mission Setup screen. Also, you are only able to bring three squads (max.) into any mission, even if you placed more than three squads in the Editor. Chaos Marines placed on the map are representative of what will actually appear there.

The game will remember your keyboard configuration, but if you want to have multiple configurations saved for future use, go to Windows and save the Keyboard.dta file (in the Data folder) to a separate folder. When you want to use that configuration, just copy the Keyboard.dta file you want back into the Data folder.

Vehicles have unlimited ammunition. There are no values for health and armor, because vehicle damage is handled differently than unit damage. As damage accumulates on a vehicle, parts of it become damaged or destroyed. You will be kept informed of this through text messages. All vehicles are 9x9x9 cells, so they need a lot of room in order to move.

Terminators don't have pockets. Neither do Daemons. This is why they don't pick stuff up, or trade equipment with other characters. Also, the aforementioned units have built in weaponry, so they can't pick up new weapons during combat. This makes them irritable, which is why they are such fearsome warriors.
When units are plotting their paths, they avoid fire patches created by Flame weapons. But, units will not plot paths around the area effects created by spells, Rad grenades, Haywire grenades, and Vortex grenades. This includes fire patches created by the Inferno spell.

The manual mentions vehicles in the section pertaining to random map generation, but vehicles and random maps just don't mix. Vehicles can still be placed on any map in the Editor, but in order for them to move around, the map must have lots of open space. Remember, vehicles take up a 9x9x9 cell space.
When setting the Hill Width, a smaller value gives you a more varied terrain.

Right clicking on either the Next Marine or Next Enemy button will take you to the previous Marine or Enemy.

Terror - Moving any unit within 8 cells of a Greater Daemon (Bloodthirster or Lord of Change - you'll know 'em when you see 'em) causes a unit to take a break test. Units only take this test once per Greater Daemon.
Fear - Whenever a unit engages in melee combat with a Daemon they take a break test. This happens every single time a unit initiates a melee attack with a Daemon, and each time a Daemon initiates a melee attack with a unit.
Squad Losses - If more than 25% of a squad is killed in one round, the remaining units must all take break tests.
Burning - Any unit that is on fire automatically breaks. Burning units cannot attempt a Rally test until they stop burning.
Break tests - A Break Test is resolved by rolling d100 against a unit's leadership rating. A character who rolls higher than his leadership rating breaks. Broken characters are out of your control and will run away from all visible enemies (If they are surrounded they may run in circles). Ultra Marines are such sturdy lads that they have to fail two break tests before they become broken.
Rallying - At the beginning of every turn, broken units take a Rally test. If they roll their leadership rating or less on d100 then they pass the test and are no longer broken.
Squad Coherency - A squad is coherent if all the units are within five cells of at least one other unit in their squad. All units in a coherent squad will use highest leadership rating in the squad to take Break and Rally tests. If a coherent squad is within five cells a friendly special unit (Tech Marine, Librarian, Apothecary, Chaplain, or Captain) then that unit is counted as part of the squad. Lone units can also become coherent with friendly special units.

Force Points - At the beginning of a scenario, there are d6 Force Points available. At the beginning of every turn, that number has an equal chance of going up by one, going down by one or staying the same. Force points may go as low as zero or as high as six. A spell takes a number of Force Points to cast equal to its level.
Spells that have a continuous effect have about a 15% chance of nullifying at the beginning of every turn.
The Gate and Displacement - These spells require you to click twice: once to place the entry location and once to place the destination.
Salamander -The Salamander spell had to be pulled from the game (this happened after the manual was printed containing the Salamander spell).
Spell Selection - In the Psyker Powers selection screen, once a spell has been chosen and confirmed, that spell is permanent for that Psyker and cannot be changed later.

Units can fly over a wall that is seven cells high, but since this is the top of the map, the unit appears to fly through the top of the wall.
Units cannot fly indoors, no matter how high the ceiling is.

The Heavy Plasma Gun has a variable charge. If the gun is not fired for one round it charges up, and fires a more powerful shot, which has an area effect similar to a Plasma grenade and has a longer range. When it is fired at a half charge the shot is weaker and only affects one target. The weapon will never be lower than half power. The current charge is graphically displayed over the weapon icon in the Main Play interface.

In the Campaign, once you have chosen to attack the Primary Objective, you cannot go back and attack the Targets of Opportunity that were in that system.

The stats for the Bloodthirster Whip are:
Armor Penetration: 80 Range: 2 Character Damage Potential: 70
The stats for the Axe of Khorne are:
Armor Penetration: 90 Range: 2 Character Damage Potential: 80
The stats for the Hell Blade are:
Armor Penetration: 60 Range: 1 Character Damage Potential: 60
The stats for the Lord of Change Claws are:
Armor Penetration: 70 Range: 1 Character Damage Potential: 60
The stats for the Flesh Hound Jaws are:
Armor Penetration: 50 Range: 1 Character Damage Potential: 60
The stats for the Flamer are:
Armor Penetration: 50 Range: 8 Character Damage Potential: 60
The stats for the Pink Horror are:
Armor Penetration: 40 Range: 1 Character Damage Potential: 60

The user can delete old saves by highlighting the save and pressing the "Delete" key. Note: you can not restore deleted saves.

SECTION 2: Trouble Shooting

At the time this game was printed, some video cards were having minor problems with DirectX 6. The most common problem was the screen going black for a minute or two when exiting from Chaos Gate. We fixed this by getting the latest drivers from the card manufacturer's web site.

If you try to change the default directory while your system is connected to the internet the install shield will crash to the desk top. Disconnect your system and then install.

If you do not have a modem or network card installed on your computer, the Multiplay button will be grayed out. If the button is grayed out, but you have a modem or network card installed then check your hardware and your computer configuration.

During game play if your opponent moves a unit and moves another while the other unit is moving, the game screen will try to track both. This causes the screen to jump erratically. Zooming out will reduce this.

On lower end systems, selecting more than one assault unit may cause the game to loose contact.

If you have both Soldiers At War and Chaos Gate on your computer at the same time, and try to uninstall SAW, the Uninstall shield will ask you if you want to uninstall two shared files: SMACKW32.DLL and DWSW32.DLL. The answer is NO. If you uninstall these two files, Chaos Gate will be unable to run.

SECTION 3: Campaign Mission Hints

NOTE: This was written for Veteran difficulty.

Mission 1
Outfit your units with lots of frag and krak grenades. The heavy bolter is the best weapon in the inventory, since it has a long range and sustained fire. Your bolters have a greater range than the Cultists' lasguns, so stay in overwatch and let them come to you. If you close with the Cultists they will shower you with frag grenades, which will eat away your armor and leave you vulnerable to the Chaos Marines you'll face later. Once inside the Temple, toss frag grenades around corners before you move there. That way any Chaos units waiting to ambush you will be knocked out of overwatch. Use krak grenades to soften up Chaos Marines before shooting them. In order to view the Artifact on the pedestal, the level must be set to 2.
Don't forget to open any crates that you find - if they have been looked in, then at the end of the mission all the equipment in them is sent to your ship's inventory. The same goes for any dead Ultra Marines that you find.

Mission 2
Take the Devastator squad in - you want them to gain experience as soon as possible. Take two heavy bolters and a missile launcher with frag missiles. Use the frag missiles to knock the Word Bearers out of overwatch and advance on their positions. Take in blind grenades to create cover for your units as they cross open areas. The barrels contain unstable chemicals and may explode when shot, so be cautious about using them for cover. There are powerful weapons in the crate at the end of the tunnel, so open it before you end the mission.

Mission 3
Take in the Devastator and Assault squads. If you have any veterans in your Tactical squad, you may wish to swap them into your Assault squad. Assault troops start out somewhat weak, but if they live long enough to advance, they will be your most potent units in the later part of the campaign. For this mission, hold the assault troops back for a turn or two. If you immediately fly them onto the walls, they become target practice for everyone in the castle. Use heavy bolters and missile launchers to pick off the Chaos Marines patrolling the wall. Set your regular units to overwatch to fend off the ground assault. The sorcerer has a nasty spell selection and should be considered a primary target. If the gates are closed, they can be destroyed with krak grenades or missiles.

Mission 4
Take in a Devastator squad and two Tactical squads. At least one of your units should take a missile launcher. Plasma Missiles are best, since you'll be firing into narrow openings and may need the area effect to hit your targets. Grab the Heavy Plasma Gun in the crate, in the Thunderhawk. Split your forces, and use the natural cover to approach the fortress. Use your heavy weapons to take out their heavy weapons, and then to clear the bunkers. Move the Predator down the center ravine, with a unit or two following and using it for cover. Send the Predator out first to draw the enemies' fire. The less you use the Predator to kill enemies, the more experience the rest of your units will get. Watch for Berzerkers attacking your flanks.

Mission 5
This mission takes place underground, so avoid taking in weapons with an area effect, like the Heavy Plasma Gun or the Missile Launcher. Flame weapons are very effective in close quarters - if you don't mind waiting for the flames to die down before being able to advance. Never set a unit with a Flamer to overwatch. Bring in two Tactical squads and the Devastator squad. Keep the Techmarine in the back, under cover. If he dies, the mission is over. Toss Frag Grenades around corners to break up ambushes. When your units approach the generator room, use lots of smoke to cover your entrance. The Sorcerer and the Missile Launcher are the biggest individual threats in this room, but you will have to survive a wave of assault troops first. When the room is cleared, send the Techmarine onto the "diving board". When he is adjacent to the control panel, his Manipulate button will become active. It may take two or three turns for him to shut the generator down.

Mission 6
Take the Terminator squad, the Assault squad and the Devastator squad. Outfit the Terminators with the Assault Cannon and the Heavy Flamer. Give the Assault troops as many Hand Flamers and Plasma Guns as possible (the Bolt Pistols are the weakest weapon in the game). The enemy has heavy weapons positioned on top of the towers, which will wreak havoc on your units if they are not taken out early. Concentrate your weapon fire on these units and follow up with your assault troops. If you want to take a more conservative approach, use Blind Missiles to blind the units in the towers, then use your Heavy Flamer to burn them out. The single entrance to the cathedral makes entering it safely very difficult. Use lots of smoke and send in the Heavy Flamer to clear some space for the rest of your units to enter. The Assault Cannon is a sure-fire way to take down enemy Terminators. You have to destroy the Portal in order to win the scenario.

Mission 7
This mission takes place on a Chaos Ship, so avoid bringing weapons with an area effect. Bring the Terminators with the Assault Cannon, the Devastators with two Heavy Bolters, and the Tactical squad with the Melta Gun (if you don't have this weapon, then you haven't been checking all the crates!). Send the Terminators in first, and use the rest of your units to mop up. Keep the Melta Gun near the front - if one shot doesn't kill something outright, it will at least destroy its armor. Set up your units in front of doors before opening them. Try the Melta Gun and Heavy Bolter crouched in front of the door, with the Terminators standing behind them. This allows you to decimate anything standing on the other side, and to clear a path for your other units to charge the room. Door switches are color coded to the doors they open (green switch opens green door, etc). If you can't find a switch, have a Terminator bash the door down using the Direct Fire button and a Terminator Power Fist. Watch for traps and reinforcements. In the final room the techmarine will have to manipulate the console in the corner with the animating screen. The one with all the lines.

Mission 8
Run this mission the same as Mission 7. Take in the Terminator Squad, the Devastator Squad and the Tactical Squad. Protect the Apothecary at all costs. When you get to the last room, split your squad three ways and attack the room simultaneously from all entrances. Be ready to face lots of Daemons.

Mission 9
Bring in the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. Kill the Heavy Bolters in the bunkers first: they'll punish you if you don't. Clear out the units in the tunnels, making sure to check the two Ultra Marine bodies that you find.
The second half of the Concordant Chaosium is in the central building. The only way to access it is from the top. This map has an almost limitless supply of Chaos Cultists, which can be dangerous in large groups. Get your units to the top of the buildings as soon as possible. Stay on the map as long as you can, racking up lots of kills to get experience and Crux Terminatus awards.

Mission 10
Take the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. Give the Devastators the Lascannon and the Missile Launcher with Krak missiles - you'll need them to destroy the two Predators and Terminator squad. Your Land Speeder tends to be a huge target no matter where it is on the map, so fly it close to the tanks so it can use its Melta Gun on them. Fly your Assault troopers behind the building on the left side of the map. You can fly them out from there to attack the enemies' rear positions and then fly them back to cover. If things get desperate, you can fly them to the roof of the building, next to the communication tower, and pour krak grenades on it to end the mission. There are powerful weapons in the cellar below the tower.

Mission 11
Bring in the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. Move your Dreadnought until you have a high percentage shot at the Chaos Dreadnought, taking advantage of your greater range. Use your Assault troops to take out the Lascannon on the right, as it is one of the few weapons that can harm your Dreadnought. Once this is done, you can use the Dreadnought to wreak havoc on the enemy or hold it back so the rest of your units can gain experience. Use your Heavy Flamer to lay down a protective wall of fire. Be careful in the Cathedral - if you destroy the Gate with a stray shot, you lose. There is a room in the back of the Cathedral with a crate of goodies.

Mission 12
Take the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. Use the Assault troops to clear the rooftops of Lascannons. Move the rest of your units forward quickly, sending your Devastators inside to clear the base, and setting up your Terminators on the tarmac in a defensive position. A couple waves of Chaos forces are about to overrun your base, and they have more than enough Lascannons to destroy your Dreadnought and vape a few of your better units. The Assault troops are the best way to deal with the enemies' heavy weapons. Check all the Ultra Marine bodies you find and search the base until you locate the extra Terminator suits and weapons.

Mission 13
Take the Terminator squad, the Assault squad and the Devastator squad. Equip your units with the Multi-Melta and the Storm Shield/Thunder Hammer, as these weapons can be used to blast through doors if you don't feel like collecting the keys. Watch for ambushes. Make sure you have all your big guns up front before entering the last room - the giant Daemon in there is quite nasty.

Mission 14
Take the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. There are two Lascannons in bunkers and a Chaos Predator that will pound you from a distance. Be careful about landing Assault units on the other side of any of the bridges, as this will open all the doors and unleash a flood of Chaos forces. After clearing the bunkers on your side of the river, set up ambushes by the bridges, and slaughter anything that tries to cross. Use ranged weapons to kill the big Daemon at the end. Any unit that goes hand to hand with the Daemon will get splattered. If the Chaplain gets killed, any other unit can pick up the Artifact and continue the mission. Only the unit in possession of the Artifact can complete the mission by taking it adjacent to the computer panels, in the room behind the Daemon.

Mission 15
Bring in the Terminator squad, Devastator squad and Assault squad. Bring LOTS of smoke. You'll want to bring two long-range weapons, probably the Missile Launcher (with Melta Missiles) and the Heavy Plasma gun. These guns have the longest range and an area effect. After clearing the first building, put these heavy guns on the roof and use them to destroy troublesome enemies (there will be many). Reinforcements arrive on the islands at the sides of the map, so be cautious near them. There is nothing worse than suddenly being surrounded by five, grenade-tossing Word Bearers. A Terminator with the Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield is invaluable for stopping waves of Khorne Berzerkers. The last island will be overflowing with Chaos units, so expect heavy losses. Good Luck.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by Sanc