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Hi I am having a problem with the game obviously. When I start the game the movies doesn't play normally; they seem to be corrupted. Also when I start a mission something similar happens. At first everything looks normal but then, when I move around the graphic seems to "overwrite" each other.
Bleusilences: When I start the game the movies doesn't play normally; they seem to be corrupted.
"Corrupted" how exactly? Can you take any screenshots of the problem?
The videos are limited to a 256-color pallette (common at the time the game was produced).

Color banding and a certain amount of artifacts resulting from quantization and limited bitrate are a normal result, but I'm not sure whether or not that is what you describe.
Compare with this video (set quality to HD): .
I am having the same issues.
Bleusilences: When I start the game the movies doesn't play normally; they seem to be corrupted.
thefifthhorseman.229: "Corrupted" how exactly? Can you take any screenshots of the problem?
The videos are limited to a 256-color pallette (common at the time the game was produced).

Color banding and a certain amount of artifacts resulting from quantization and limited bitrate are a normal result, but I'm not sure whether or not that is what you describe.
Compare with this video (set quality to HD): .
Sure; here some screenshot, first one is what video looks like, the two other is in game:
thefifthhorseman.229: "Corrupted" how exactly? Can you take any screenshots of the problem?
The videos are limited to a 256-color pallette (common at the time the game was produced).

Color banding and a certain amount of artifacts resulting from quantization and limited bitrate are a normal result, but I'm not sure whether or not that is what you describe.
Compare with this video (set quality to HD): .
Bleusilences: Sure; here some screenshot, first one is what video looks like, the two other is in game:
That looks like a scaling glitch. A resolution problem caused by what I have no idea.
thefifthhorseman.229: "Corrupted" how exactly? Can you take any screenshots of the problem?
The videos are limited to a 256-color pallette (common at the time the game was produced).

Color banding and a certain amount of artifacts resulting from quantization and limited bitrate are a normal result, but I'm not sure whether or not that is what you describe.
Compare with this video (set quality to HD): .
Bleusilences: Sure; here some screenshot, first one is what video looks like, the two other is in game:
This is the exact issue I had. For me, turning off DSR in the Nvidia control panel set it right.
Bleusilences: Sure; here some screenshot, first one is what video looks like, the two other is in game:
Have you tried lowering or disabling DirectX graphics acceleration (if my memory serves, you can do that from DXDiag)?
I have DSR disable and I tried to force 640*480 without success. And I cannot disable hardware accelaration with the card I have.

edit: I thought I did it properly but I followed the instruction in the help outlet on GoG and it now work. So it was DSR all along!!
Post edited July 25, 2015 by Bleusilences