EvLev: Should this work? After forwarding the port I still can't see other players.
Hey there!
Although Battle.net is indeed very empty most of the week, I believe it is up to us to fill the gap.
As a matter of fact I already host and stream multiplayer games of war2 every single weekend on battle.net (look up Trogallart on Twitch / Youtube).
So you can come join us and play with us during these weekends (starting every saturday & sunday at 9pm GMT) or you can try gathering people at another time of the week to play with them.
We are growing though, but it will probably take ages for us to really get at a size where we can play every day of the week. So If you dont want to wait and want to find more active players to play you can always look for private servers like war2.ru that have been active for much longer than GOG and do still have players playing every day of the week all the time.
Although these are often either dangerous (meaning you have to trust people running them and not a big company with a strong backbone) or toxic and not very welcoming to new comers and beginners.
So in short:
1) If you are casual friendly, chill, and care less about how good you are at the game than about spending some quality time with other likeminded people on a good old game you should try joinning us during weekends.
2) If you have that good old "play to win" mindset and share that elitist pride mentality and/or care about people being good at the game you should try private servers.
Hopefully this was a helpful answer good luck and don't give up on war2!