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The mouse control in game quite different to current standard mouse clicking.
Normally I use left click to select then right click to move but this one is left click to select and right click to cancel.
I always cannot control on time when fight because keep right click to make him run but it become cancel.
Anyway to amend the ini file or game data file for mouse click setting?
gerbercage: The mouse control in game quite different to current standard mouse clicking.
Normally I use left click to select then right click to move but this one is left click to select and right click to cancel.
I always cannot control on time when fight because keep right click to make him run but it become cancel.
Anyway to amend the ini file or game data file for mouse click setting?
I have no idea because I never tried changing it. I just assumed that this quirk was unique to the game, so I forced myself to adapt to it. The interface is buggy as hell, so it's not a smooth ride by any stretch.
Post edited January 08, 2019 by lanipcga
gerbercage: Normally I use left click to select then right click to move but this one is left click to select and right click to cancel.
Well, this in fact has been the normal way to select/move/cancel in old RTS games from Dune 2 times. You just have to adapt! ;)