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first of all, tanks for making this nice action packed game, it's become insane when reaching serious threat level, in a good meaning :).

I wonder if an additional scrap-up could be added to speed-up ship as slow spaceship like the Nitro's one (good names so ironical to get the slowest ship of all) usually get caught up by later bosses and we just do nothing but being hit and ultimately get crushed; unless being lucky enough to got a lot dash cooldown scrap-up.

What do you think ?

Also, threat 40+ killer ships are too much too soon, there are so much of them in an instant, don't know if it's possible to survive among them.

Thanks for the kind words, I'm super glad that you're enjoying the game!

I think it's a decent idea, however the point of Nitro is to use boosts strategically to make up for the slower base speed. Indeed, this is why Nitro starts with a dash cooldown upgrade in the first place. It's a difficult character to play for sure.

There are some people that manage to survive far beyond threat 40. However, the original intent of the game is to end at about that point. We haven't "fixed" the ability to survive beyond threat 40, because, well people should be allowed to enjoy breaking the game!

Thanks for your ideas and sorry for the delayed reply!
Ok thanks, that make sens still dash speed could be a little bit increased I guess.

Level 40 is quite ok, it's become insane at level 42 (coincidence ? Did we get all ultimate answers to the universe after this level :) ), the aggressive ships are too much too many.

I have also think of possible new scrap ups:
-less enemies
-bigger scrap-ups (these two could be one combo) sprite would be bigger and get more scrap-up
-deflect one hazards with cooldown (for Remington): one bullet/other or one hit would bounce back every x seconds with some special thin shield effect around the player ship. If we hit a ship, we also bounce back, even more according to apparent mass, final boss so will throw us like a pool ball !