I bought it discounted on humble bundle. It's not worth $30, or even $20. It's a $15 game that should be discounted to $10.
The graphics are the only thing justifying higher price than other roguelikes, while the gameplay says otherwise. There isn't enough content, difficulty is artificially high, which is weapon upgrade dependent. I mean you start off with a pistol with limited ammo, and ammo pickups are rare and random.
There is potential here, but not in current form. There is no boss battles, no easy way to get ammo for more powerful weapons, dying resets your pickups, and the "endgame" is the company kills you after completing the crafting item. Nothing about this game is satisfying other than what bare minimum gameplay isn't corrupted by the random lootbox economy. All we need to complete this travesty is EA buying the game, and selling microtransactions for ammo drops, because that's how the game feels like to play.
The only way to extend the lifespan of this game would be adding additional content, boss battles, and greatly toning down the roguelike aspects. Yeah, modern roguelikes are far better than older ones, but overall they all feel like you are playing an EA p2w lootboxer without real money microtransaction loopholes. So, garbage. Reviewers need to be much harder on these games, enough to get developers to stop making them, because they all are cheap cash grabs with artificial difficulty, limited content, and zero replayability. Nobody will be playing this in several months, and it was a complete waste of my money to buy it. There is a gameplay nostalgia factor, but that factor is being used as a cashgrab, and the roguelike elements are there to hide the fact that the game has limited content. Roguelikes are lootboxers without microtransactions, because the game itself is a giant lootbox microtransaction cashgrabbing on nostalgia elements that wear off as soon as you realize you've been bamboozled.