sergtomas: Hello, very recent player but experienced in modding. So here's my question: do the UP upgrades grant compatibility with saved games or is there a sure chance to experience some glitch or unexpected behaviour?
Using old saves with a new version of the patch is a surefire way to invite all kinds of trouble.
I just started yesterday my first game and I was thinking of upgrade the UP to the latest 9.9 (does it contain the extra content by default? edit: nevermind, I read that is optional in the installer)
Second question: are mods which need another installation of the game to avoid incompatibilities or is there some kind of management to load the contents of a particular mod having several on the same installation?
The most recent versions of every major mod should have mod loader compatibility. That means you only need one install of the game, but you still cannot combine different mods. So you can have several mods installed and play any of them as you like, but not combined.
Third question: the mods which rely on some former version of the UP, could they be upgraded to the latest or should they rely on the version they use? This would answer a little my second question, related to several installations.
In theory it is possible to update a mod, but you need winmerge or something similar and must know how the game works. And you should have a good idea where the mod makes changes.
Problem is, bloodlines has no "override" folder. Or to put it another way, with the mod loader every mod uses its own override structure.