SebastianH: I had the same problem.
Look into the folder where the game is installed. There is a folder 'game', inside this folder is a file with the x86_x64 extension.
In my case this solved the problem.
I use Tuxedo 22.04, based on (k)ubuntu 22.04
alcaray: I think you left something out. Looking in a folder probably won't fix anything but your curiosity.
you are correct:
i run the file with the x86_x64 extension with ./Vampire the Masquerade - Shadows of New York.x86_64"
PERHAPS, if not tried to start the game before the executable flag is missing. At least the script uses chmod to fix this!
Today i fixed the rest
1st: Replace the given two lines in the .desktop file replace the Exec and Path lines. And at least the {username} must be replaced with your user-folder-name, sebastianh for example
Exec="/home/{username}/GOG Games/Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York/" ""
Path=/home/{username}/GOG Games/Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York
In the I changed one or two lines in the action part. It now looks like this. Perhaps the /game part in the change dir line was missing, but i believe not, but am unsure. And the line which starts the game was definitely incorrect
# Actions
run_game() {
echo "Running ${GAME_NAME}"
cd "${CURRENT_DIR}/game"
chmod +x *
./"Vampire the Masquerade - Shadows of New York.x86_64"
default() {