Posted August 26, 2017
I've played this game numerous times and I'm still a member of two other forums based on Whitewolf world based vampire games and there are many theories on this or that. Something just popped into my head this go round. I decided long ago that Meserach was a ghoul but never thought of who controlled him (afterall, a vampire being mumified?). It just occured to me that Lamastu may well be the controlling vampire. Not earth shattering - afterall, Meserach really doesn't have any direct affect on the story/game. But there is also speculation on why the character gets so strong so fast. I've always thought that the reason is that is how RPGs always work (ie, no explanation needed) but, just for fun, what if Lamastu showed up in LA and sired our character. Most theories have him/her as generation 4 but this theory would make the character a non-antideluvian generation 3. Hmmm.