Posted June 06, 2017

So the question is Jeanette for VV?

Jeanette is insane and tries to have you killed.
VV is a pretender and hypocrite, she uses you like a tool and turns you into an errand clown, with endless demands.
Yukie, on the other hand, is so sweet... She doesn't come after your neck first thing, she doesn't try to dupe you second, either. You help her of your own volition and escort her through a mission of honor. Plus, she has the best under-skirt view i have ever seen (in video games, that is, or else this statement is certainly forfeit) and is a cute jailbait underage teen of exotic beauty (japanese)...
Also, on reflection, I was expecting to do some mission related to what my malkavian referred to as the black widow - I remember finding and talking to a guy after going through a fence and into a building Downtown but I never actually got the mission or knew what it was about - what did I miss there?
Post edited June 06, 2017 by heartburnron