Posted November 02, 2017
So I'm a controller>M&K guy, will be until I die. Having beaten VTMB the old keyboard and mouse way, I decided to replaying it using a controller and at the time of starting unoffical 9.7. After fiddling with Xpadder, I've gotten a controller set up going that emulates recent Bioware action RPGs and shooters where you get powers, just with some nuances such as having to switch "sets" in xpadder(set to a shoulder button) when dialogue comes up to get the Fallout 4 style of using the 4 face buttons but better (pressing gets me options 1-4 & holding the respective face buttons gets me options 5-8). I at first was using a Dualshock 4 controller and more recently a 3rd party Switch Controller. I only have to use the keyboard for the in-game computer sections which makes sense unless someone mods in an in-game keyboard. so far have gotten passed Grout's mansion and did all side missions I could and for my purposes I find it suitable though it also shows it's age even more clearly that way. I've recently started using an HDMI to hook it up to my room TV and it looks great.
Have you ever given it a shot with your own controllers? If so what was your experience. Curious about my set up?
Have you ever given it a shot with your own controllers? If so what was your experience. Curious about my set up?