My lay out using Xpadder using a PS4 controller:
Right Bumper is set to hold and change the buttons to set 2, releaseing changes back to set 1
Right stick as Mouse movement
- Set one:
Left stick as Arrow Keys
Left Bumper is H (default for Hostler) on quick press/Tab (default for weapon mode selection) on press and hold. - As they allow that on Xpaddder
Left Trigger is Right mouse button(default for Use discipline)
Right Trigger is Left mouse button (default for using melee/shooting gun)
Select/share Button is Q(default quest log button)
Start button is I (default for inventory)
Triangle/Y is C (default for character menu)
Square/X is R (default for Reload)
Circle/B is E (default for use) on quick press/F(default for Feed) on press and hold.
X/A is Spacebar (default for Jump)
Up D-Pad is Scroll wheel up(default next discipline) on quick press/F5 (default for discipline menu) on press and hold
Down D-Pad is Scroll wheel down(default previous discipline) on quick press/Ctrl+C (default for autohack) on press and hold.
Left D-Pad is Melee weapon Menu(default next F1).
Right D-Pad is Ranged weapon Menu(default next F2).
Touchpad is ESC (default menu key)
Set 2 (this is more specialized situations)
Left stick as Arrow Keys for left and right BUT! up and down is ' & / as that's the default movement for Water
Left Bumper F8 (default for End Discipline) on quick press/ Backspace (default for Backspace when typing on the computer ) on press and hold.
Left Trigger is Right mouse button(default for Use discipline)
Right Trigger is Left mouse button (default for using melee/shooting gun)
Select/share Button is F9(default Quicksave)
Start button is F12 (default for Quickload), would suggest making it a "press and hold" so you can't accidentally press and reload easily
Cirlce/B is 1 on quick press/5 on Press and Hold
Square/X is 2 on quick press/6 on press and hold.
X/A is 3 on quick press/7 on press and hold.
Triangle/Y D-Pad 4 on quick press/8 on press and hold.
Up D-Pad is Set up to type in "Unlock" on computers
Down D-Pad is Set up to type in "Open" on computers
Left D-Pad is Set up to type "Email" on computers
Right D-Pad is Set up to type in "Safe" on computers.
Touchpad is Enter, which works on the few times you need to type in enter during the computer sections.