Kamma999: HI all,
I recently got this game. When I start it up though the video in the company logo/intro movie keeps breaking up every second, it's all glitchy. The actual gameplay works fine, but anything that is a video is all glitchy and breaks up.
I'm using windows 8. Can someone please help me to get it so that video plays fine in this game?
Signothorn: Interesting issue, haven't heard of that. I'm running W8 and it's running like a dream, so that's not likely the culprit. Might be some kind of direct x issue, idk. Might try right-clicking on the desktop shortcut and going to properties. In the properties menu, go to the shortcut tab. In the "target" line, add -"dx90" at the end. So for example, it could read "c://programfiles/vampire the masquerade redemption/vampire.exe -dx90".
Regardless of whether this smooths the video out, it'll make the game look much sharper :)
I might be suffering from similar issue. When the game runs, the game itself runs fast but the videos of intro/wodarkness freeze and run slow. Is there anything I can do to make the videos run faster/smooter without freeze. The gameplay videos run normal. Its just the movies.