pi4t: Whatever you do, do make sure you're ready with all the things needed to hack the admin (software, voice recording, etc) before logging into an account and transferring, especially if you're transferring directly to your uplink account. As it's a direct link, it doesn't take the bank long at all to find you, and both times that happened to me (once just now) my account was terminated, so I'm guessing there's either a massive fine or they just get your account deleted.
It's easier if you transfer into an account at the same bank you're ripping off as Judas said, as you can do everything faster that way. The thing to watch isn't the bank admin access logs, it's the account statements. You have to delete both transfer statements (one in each account) within a minute or you'll get disavowed. After the statements have been deleted, you can hurry to InterNIC and delete your routing log, and you should be in the clear then. You can then transfer the money into your Uplink bank account normally. There's a very good bank hacking guide on Gamefaqs, too, if you're still having trouble.
You'll know you did it right if you get an email from Uplink about 5 minutes later saying your rating increased several notches. Bank hacking gives a ridiculous boost to your rating, and it's practically the only way to hit rank 1 before the outbreak.