nresteiner: Isn't the ECE supposed to come with the mods already installed?
from this FAQ: Whats in the ut2k4 ece?
"... the Editor's Choice Edition (ECE) of UT2004 was
originally released in September 2004 as a two-DVD package. Disc 1 had the
UT2004 installation files and other game data, and Disc 2 contained 11
different unofficial user-made game modifications for the player to install and
try out if he or she wanted to. Three new vehicles (the Cicada, the SPMA, and
the Paladin), four new Onslaught levels (ONS-Urban, ONS-Tricky, ONS-IslandHop,
and ONS-Adara), and three new character models (Necris, Metal Guard, and
Mecha-Skaarj, each with two skins) were added to the original game. The Disk 2
mods were standalone games which competed in nVidia's "Make Something Unreal"
competition, and were completely optional to install.
Soon thereafter, a bonus pack was released for users with the original UT2004
which included all of the ECE content (sans the eleven game mods on the second
DVD, which are freely downloadable anyway). This bonus pack was updated to
version 1.1 in November 2004 to fix a few glitches. Finally, the UT2004 Mega
Bonus Pack released by Epic in December 2005 also included the ECE content.
Now, everyone with a legal copy of UT2004 is free to play online and offline
using the ECE vehicles, characters, and maps."
So the editor choice edition includes more content made for unreal tournament 2k4. I dont know if the 2nd DVD is included in the GOG release, the one with some mods.