tgw105: I can't seem to access the console in-game in Unreal Gold - online FAQs say it's this: ~
but it doesn't work - it's possible to access the console through a menu but this doesn't seem to affect the game i'm playing - (tbh i'm trying to get through the underwater bit by activating 'god' mode - i hate underwater swimming bits in games)
any suggestions?
zandrag: I don't know if there are issues with having a non US English keyboard in windows... but that could be it.
Otherwise, ~ works for me on a fresh setup of GoG Unreal Gold, and putting god worked. I also tried hitting "esc" to get to the menu, going to the console, and it also worked for god mode on current game.
Also, tab key works as well. Brings up a small green text prompt on lower left of screen. Type god, put me in god mode.
Note: DirectX10 failed on my system, had to use regular DirectX which limits me to 640x480. For the patches that fix this -
This gives back OpenGL, DirectX8 and 9. And basically works better. Not sure where the DirectX 10 driver came from, I may have tried adding that myself or it comes with the GoG version? And tested console after updating, and ~, menu, and tab all work
Thanks - i managed to find how to open the console with another key - it might hve been tab but i finished the game a few weeks ago so can't remember.
If anyone else has the same problem just try usign different keys until you get it