Posted May 01, 2016

Take my advice and don't read anything more about Bloodlines until after you've played it once or twice. You don't want to spoil anything. Also, if you have the option, only play it at night. :)
No worries, I don't know a single damned thing about the game (except the generalities) and have avoided spoilers or anything else about it for a long time. I hear you're not supposed to play a Malkavian (sp?) on your first playthrough because of spoilers, but that kind of seems non-logical to me. I'm curious to find out more of why this view is held, but I refrain from doing so so I don't get spoiled. I figure whenever I play I'll just go at it blank-slate without that tidbit of viewpoint to influence me and, if the Malkavian is the type Iwant to play first, then I will.