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Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Tweaks
• [Heavy Duty] Minigun's wind up will now also reduce weapon AP cost by the amount equal to twice the amount of extra burst rounds granted by this status effect

② Bugs
• Fixed the bug that allowed pyrokinesis and other explosives to go through force field
• Fixed the bug where Vanishing powder grenade would not work if it was last one in the stack or if stack was removed from the utility slot
• You can no longer use hyperallergenic in blueprints that do not support it (and thus wasting it)
• Fixed the bug that caused Cooked Shot to apply wrong acid on hit effects
• Fixed the bug that, in some rare cases, caused an item effect to be consumed from the other equipped weapon when using the currently equipped one without the effect triggering
• Fixed a rare instance of a bot not spawning during the RAF encounter and breaking the scripting
• Fixed yet another zone transition problem with a random encounter featuring a hole in the ground
• Securing a certain outpost will now be properly reflected in conversation with Harmost Stavros
• [Expedition] Lemurian Security Marine Armor is now considered a tactical vest for trading purposes (instead of a suit)
• [Expedition] Fixed Ray's dialogue text incorrectly stating that the player is selling the Shark when they are in fact selling the Glow
• [Expedition] Fixed various dialogue issues when a certain npc rampages through the camp
• [Expedition] Fixed some instances in which Aegis jet skiers could still be found patrolling around the camp island even when they shouldn't
• [Expedition] Fixed a way to steal an Aegis Patroller without being detected, which led to some unintended behavior
• [Expedition] Fixed a visual artifact seen while wearing a female version of the bison leather overcoat with a crossbow equipped
• [Expedition] Pirate Deucers and Sormirbaeren Pilkaesters are no longer immune to chill
• [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger returning some of his own items alongside the ones the player gave him at the end of the questline
• [Heavy Duty] Fixed some exosoldiers not despawning from The Compound after a certain event
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Bugs
• [Heavy Duty] Fix the bug that would cause wind up to provide action point reduction to all weapons instead of that specific minigun
• [Heavy Duty] Fixed being able to summon exosoldiers at the training grounds in The Compound even if none are available
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Items
• Added Greaves blueprint

② Bugs
• [Heavy Duty] Fixed Rag's trapdoor displaying a "blocked" message if he opens it before the player does
• [Heavy Duty] Fixed minigun disappearing from female player's hands while wearing a tac vest with black overcoat
• Fixed the bug that would sometimes cause game to crash when thrown acid barrel kills someone
• Fixed Makeshift Chrono-repeater not being considered a psionic headband for trading purposes
• Core City station in Upper Underrail is now a controlled zone
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Items
• [Expedition] Added Stone Bolas to Black Sea savages

② Bugs
• Fixed the bug that caused Greaves to be generated with too low a level in the early game
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Items
• Added Reflex Sight that can be added to Assault Rifles

② Tweaks
• All assault rifles with scopes have their move and shoot precision decreased by 5%
• Spiked Chrome Brass Knuckles can now be poisoned, can no longer by used with CACS, and incorrect durability when found has also been fixed

③ Bugs
• Fixed a visual glitch with one of the old man sprites when moving with a crossbow
• Fixed the Vanishing Powder Grenade for real now, truly... for real this time.
• Fixed the bug that would allow the player to equip quick slot item for free under special circumstances
• You can no longer use hyperallergenic in caltrops bluerint (it doesn't do anything, it's just wasted that way)
• Fixed sometimes being able to use the Bullet Time ability without having picked the feat
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes
Accuracy for having a scope.....on a rifle.......lowers? Some one forget the point of the scope?

Like, wiping my ass before I crap....
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒

① Items
• Different crossbow sight will now be displayed on the weapon's icon

② Bugs
• Added Reflex Sight to the random loot table so you can actually find it in game
• Various minor dialog/zone fixes