Acrobatics improves your jumping as well as reducing your fall damage. While you can replicate that with magic, the skill doesn't require constant recasting and can get you to places that are otherwise difficult to reach, as well as occasionally allowing you to knock enemies off of ledges (which can be anywhere from inconvenient to lethal to said enemy).
Granted, a certain ring in UW1 reduces the skill's utility there, but in UW2 it's nice to have. Likewise, while fall damage generally can't kill you in a single drop, there are areas where you may end up bouncing/falling multiple times in succession or take damage from other sources right after landing, and if the fall already left you hurt then you might get killed as a result. Talorus in UW2 is one example. On the whole it's a skill that has diminishing returns: any character benefits from having a few points in it since that greatly cuts down on the incidental damage from dropping off edges as you're navigating the world, but more than that is really only useful if you plan to be an all-the-way specialist.
The same goes for Swimming since you're going to get dunked occasionally and a few points makes a huge difference. (Water Walk is also an option, but it can cause collision/navigation problems in a few of these areas.)
Appraise and Charisma both improve bartering in their own way. This is somewhat useful in the early game of UW1 when you don't have many resources, but it fades out pretty quickly. UW2 starts you off with enough that you probably won't lack purchasing power (although I suppose these cut down on the amount of stuff you need to haul around if you do want to trade).
Stealth, IIRC, is mainly helpful against enemies that have poor eyesight, since they rely on hearing to detect you. Unfortunately, there aren't very many of those. It could potentially allow you to move around near/past a hostile creature without being detected, or creep closer to a ranged enemy before being detected, but this is only occasionally going to be useful in practice. If you want to nab items without provoking powerful creatures that currently own them then it might have some use if you're careful
Lockpicking is best saved for a no-magic character since the Open spell will do just as well and you can generally bash doors open (although this makes a lot of noise, can take a long time, and may damage your weapon). IIRC there are also a few doors that can't be bashed down but can be picked open.
Repair can be duplicated fairly early on in UW2 via a spell and there's a smith in UW1 whom you can pay to do the job (although this can mean a LOT of backtracking). It tends to be more use in UW1, thus, but if you're going for a low/no magic character then it becomes much more important.
Track may be helpful if you're playing blind (not using hint books/forums/etc) and want to avoid surprises. In most cases you can deduce what sort of creatures are likely to be present in a given locale, but occasionally there'll be something unusual.
So in summary: a few points in Acrobatics and Swimming is a reasonable investment for almost any character. Beyond that, these skills are mainly niche/theme ones (except for Repair in UW1, which can save you a lot of time), UNLESS you intend to skip out on magic, in which case both Repair and Lockpicking both become important and Acrobatics also becomes somewhat so.