Drokare: If you reach really low or the bottom of a virtue, can you eventually bring it back up?
however, the only even vaguely tempting/compelling "jerk first, Virtuous later" advice i have ever seen is the 1) buy a full stack of each reagent for 1g each, 2) buy back the damaged Virtues by overpaying 1g for one reagent at a time.
...and this despite the fact that unless you are seriously dragging the game out* - say, by bringing all seven companions to level 8 and/or sweeping every room on every level of every dungeon, or soloing and/or overcompensating with a lot of flashy magic - there's really no need for a full stack of anything other than
maybe Garlic & Ginseng.
* or you have a hard-on for air travel and very bad luck/timing with
Wind control xD
one thing to consider is 'voting up' the harder-to-come-by virtues other than your 'class virtue' during the initial 'virtue tarot' reading; you pretty much have to actively work against Honor (there are a variety of ways to do this, but so many actions give bonuses it's ridiculous), Valor (perhaps by fleeing from non-evils) or Spirituality (by bungling the mantra), and Humility is really not a challenge unless you 'can't help' roleplaying arrogance, in which case you basically will not finish the game... and really, giving 1g to every beggar on a tour of Britannia will net you dozens of Compassion pts. - ditto for Sacrifice in donating blood to every Healer.
that leaves Honesty (and though i comprehend the urge of Going Shepherd for the sheer challenge of a magic-less leader + hanging around swamps with no healers (let alone money for healers), i'll never stop preferring the Mage) and Justice... and Justice will go up with Valor and Compassion as you consistently refuse to retreat and refuse to be aggressive towards non-evil.