bweylandw621: Well I can't seem to get the xu4 update to work. The setup.bat file will not run on 62 bit windows 10. So is this the right update and if it is how do you run it on windows 10. I am stumped and I have read what I can find in the forum.
Help please!!!!!!
renegade042: You need to run setup in dosbox.
Ah OK thanks for the information. It is greatly appreciated.
bweylandw621: Well I can't seem to get the xu4 update to work. The setup.bat file will not run on 62 bit windows 10. So is this the right update and if it is how do you run it on windows 10. I am stumped and I have read what I can find in the forum.
Help please!!!!!!
abbayarra: Try this version.
The U4 Upgrade patch WILL run on Win 7 64 bit so long as you run it through DosBox, which all Ultima releases do (except U9). It's more easily applied with Pix's Ultima Patcher (found here, which includes upgrade patches for all the Ultima games and is compatible with the GOG releases.
I will give this one a try and thanks appreciated.