ezrone: Anyone know if or when these three games will get support for 64 bit (in order to be compatible with the newest version of Mac OS). I heard that a few DosBOX games were getting updated, but I was wondering if anyone knows when we will see an update on these games.
if you grab the latest DOSBox SVN you can already use that with your gog files. On the Dosbox forums, I provide 64bit capable builds of DOSBox.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbrf5elbcu66kst/Dosbox-Snapshot.dmg?dl=1 (and about a month ago, a much needed code was added to make 64bit Dosbox actually quite fast, too)
I am the one who also did the last three official releases of DOSBox for OS X, MacOS, so I am trustworthy :)