Posted December 13, 2017
I use the 1.18f official patch but it still has many problems.I know there are newer patches(unofficial) and they may solve many problems but the worst of them is that they took away a very useful bug.When you open a bag you were invisible to monsters.Without it every monster that sees you it attacks you and sometimes it attacks you forever.Why they took that away?That was very helpful.The game is very good without the bugs ofcourse but not that.There may be someone that reads this with computer programming skills and maybe tries to fix really the game not make it worst.All the monsters are following me trying to have a piece of me.Another personal request if someone reads that and bother to make a good patch is the problem that we cant construct the blacrock armour in the land of honour and paladins at the shopkeeper.Someone who has played this game knows what i mean.Well thank you to anyone who reads that