eolsunder: since you can save your game. Of course save your game then explore it. Early on you shouldn't have problems with like headless etc enemies. Dragons? maybe not now.
As for training, For the most part you'll get 1 training per training point spent, so really doesn't matter where you train in general, just don't train magic on your other characters.
BUT based on how you get 2ndary attributes (combat from dex, etc) you never want to train 2ndary stats only because when you train primary stats, you'll get 2ndary stat increases at certain trainers.
For instance, early on you start in Trinsic and there is a trainer there that can train 1 combat for 1 skill point. This is horrible because many trainers can train dexterity, which will usually raise you 1 combat anyway so you'll get more benefit training a primary attribute than the 2ndary one (combat).
For your avatar, since you can do magic, you'll want to try and train that up, while your other companions who are basically pack mules can train up other stuff. Very soon you'll be in Britain just north of Trinsic, and there is a trainer there that will train you dexterity/magic/intelligence for 3 points PLUS you'll get a bonus point in combat from training dexterity. So, 4 points for 3 training instead of your early on trinsic trainer who only gives you 1 for 1. Thus, don't train in Trinsic lol.
There is also a trainer in Britain i think who trains 1 skill point for 1 dex, which also gives 1 combat as a bonus. so 1 point for 2 skills. Nice!
Your companions you might think of finding a trainer that raises strength for more carry since they are packmules/meat shields anyway, but its not a huge deal. Of course get them maxed at the Britain dex trainer asap to get their dex and combat up, they all need it.
Actually, a +1 combat trainer won't raise it by just +1; it actually raises it by half the difference between it and dexterity, rounded up. So if you have 18 dex and 10 combat, training combat +1 will raise it to 14. If you go on drugs to raise dex to 28 and then train while high, your combat will increase to 19, and will remain there even when the drugs wear off and your dex is down to 16. (Be aware that this also costs str and int.) +1 magic works the same way.
So, if a character's dex is significantly higher than their combat, +1 combat training might be beneficial.
This mechanic is also used in a few other places:in the game: The Heal spell restores half of lost HP, and each hour you regain half of lost MP (unless you're playing Exult which got the hourly HP/MP regen wrong as of when I last checked).
Of course, this is going from memory, as it's been a while since I've played Ultima 7, and I have no desire to replay it, as the game just isn't that good.