dtgreene: The one whose death triggers the ending, of course.
(Before anyone suggests it, note that the Armageddon spell (as coded in Ultima 6) doesn't actually kill anything, and therefore won't work here.)
Vyraexii: well the thing is there is no "final boss"
the ending is triggered through a peaceful resolution of the conflict
unless your playing a different Ultima 6 than the one i have
Well, I guess you figured out that this post was an April Fools day joke. Am I correct?
With that said:
* It is indeed possible to max out the stats of the Avatar, provided you imported them from Ultima 6.
* It is possible to max out Beh Lem's stats, but since he comes so late in the game, and there isn't much combat after that point, there's no real point.
* Armageddon does indeed not actually kill anything; rather, it deletes almost all actors from the game and prevents more from spawning (while also preventing conversation). Notice that the spell leaves no corpses?
Anyway, maybe I will mention one of my favorite glitches, one which involves the Armageddon spell, which his proof the spell doesn't actually kill anything. It works like this:
* Save first. (Not strictly necessary, but always a good idea, especially if doing a glitch that will softlock the game.)
* Get somebody other than the Avatar the Armageddon spell. (A staff enchanted with the spell works nicely for this purpose.)
* Switch to solo mode for the character with the spell. (Press the numeral corresponding to the character slot; 2 makes the second character the active one.)
* Cast Armageddon.
* Watch as time flies by until you reboot the computer (or close the emulator). (This, of course, is why you save first.)
* (If the spell killed the character, the game would leave solo mode; since it doesn't, the character is deleted rather than killed, and the game is now waiting until the deleted character's next turn, which will never come.)