ncarty97: I'm playing Ultima VII part 2 and trying to make a little coin. I went and killed some trolls and grabbed a couple pikeman bodies and headed back to Renfry. He tells me he'll pay 100 Monitari once they've been cremated. I toss them in the machine, the urn comes out. I grab it and go talk to him. And nothing. No money, no new dialgoue, etc. Do I have to be a Knight first? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Renfry will only pay for Pikeman bodies. Not any ol' Knight. He won't pay for Shmed's body, and he won't pay for some of the bodies of the Knights in the Troll Cave. There's a female Pikeman body in that cave that he will pay for, but I believe the two bodies in there aren't Pikemen, there're normal Knights, which Renfry won't pay for.
The easiest way to get a Pikeman body is to kill them I'm afraid...which is very unAvatarlike. There are also a bunch of Pikeman bodies you can snag when you go into the Goblin Village, and I think you can witness goblins killing Pikeman if you go to one of the towers where goblins are and you may witness a Pikeman getting slaughtered.
As Gotcha noted, you'll know if you have a body that Renfry will recognize as a Pikeman if you talk to him about duties, then Body, and then he acknowledges that you're carrying a Pikeman. If he doesn't, then you're probably carrying a normal Knight, not a Pikeman.