ashout: hey i'm not complaining, its a great game, its just a little different then i wanted and expected is all.
I prefer lots of combat from start to finish. good times indeed.
ultima is a little different, but still a lot of fun.
do you guys know if you need to do something special to level up, like talk to lord british?
In Ultima 6 you level up by meditating at the shrines each shrine of virtue will level you up and will raise certain stats by X points
Compassion raises Dexterity by +3
Honor is Dex +1 and Intelligence +1
Honesty is +3 to int,
Humility grants no bonuses on leveling up
Justice +1 to Int.
Sacrifice +1 strength +1 Dex. and +1 Int.
Valor +3 str.
and just in case If you start playing 7 and 7 Part 2(this also applies to Ultima Underworld 2 to a extent) you level up on your own if I recall but you have to find a trainer to raise you stats certain party members will train you and your other companions for free pending they are in your group.
In Ultima Underworld 1 you raise stats by meditating at various Ankh's similar to Ultima 6's Shrines of Virtue.