Thank you for this.
AurelianDragon: Many of the key commands are pretty consistent across the first five games, so I'm just going to give you a generalist rundown:
A - Attack (or initiate combat with adjacent mob if not in battle in U3-U5)
B - Board transports of various types (may require special items, particularly in U2)
C - Cast spells
D - Varies between games.
U1: Discard item from inventory
U2 - U4: Descend a ladder in dungeons (U5 does not use this command, Klimb is both ways like U1)
E - Enter this that or the other thing (to use sign posts in U1, Enter them). Not for transports (use Board)
F - Fire guns while on board ship (in at least U3-5, target needs to be aligned with broadsides, not sure if that was required in 2, but not in 1)
G - Pick stuff up (Get)
H - Varies significantly between games.
U1 & U2: Hyperjump on a space ship
U3: Hand inventory between characters (U3 actually has separate inventory per member, like 6 & onward!)
U4 & U5: Hole up (Rest)
I - Ignite torches
J - Varies significantly between games.
Not used in U1.
U2: Jump (does nothing)
U3: Join (pool) all party gold to one member inventory
U4 & U5: Jimmy (pick) lock. In U4 always uses up one key, in U5 there is a random chance 1 lock pick will break
K - Klimb ladders in dungeons (in U1 & U5 in either direction, U2-U4 up only)
L - Varies significantly between games.
Not used in U1.
U2: Launch or land air/space transport
U3 & U5: Look at the adjacent tile in a given direction
U4: Locate your position with the sextant
M - Varies significantly between games.
Not used in U1.
U2: Ready a magic spell for use
U3: Exchange the order of party members
U4 & U5: Mix reagents for a spell
N - Varies significantly between games.
U1: Sound On/Off
U2 & U3: Time stop (with the proper item)
U4 & U5: Exchange the order of party members
O - Varies significantly between games.
U1: Opens Coffins in dungeons (doors do not need to be opened & for chests Get is used)
U2: Offer a bribe
U3: Other command (free-form typing, only certain commands are accepted)
U4 & U5: Opens doors (also chests in U5)
P - Not used in the first two games.
U3 & U4: Peer at a viewing gem
U5: Push objects
Q - Save game (does not actually quit, except in U5)
R - Ready equipment (all gear in U1 & U5, weapons only in U2 - U4)
S - Steal in U1-U3, Search in U4 & U5
T - Transact/Talk to NPC
U - Unlock doors in U1-U3, Use items in U4 & U5
V - Varies significantly between games.
U1: Switch between front and top view in space ship
U2 & U5: Peer at a viewing gem
U3: Adjust volume or Sound On/Off (depends on version)
W - Only used in U2 - U4 for readying armour (U1 & U5 use Ready for all gear)
X - Exit various vehicles
Y - Not used in U1, in later games used to Yell a word you type (some words have effects in U3 - U5, but not in U2)
Z - Ztats (character stat sheet/inventory screens)