Axiom: I am on a laptop so no screenshot button. Does anyone else know how to take one?
I'm pretty sure most laptops should have a screenshot key. It's usually labelled "Print Screen", "Prt Sc" or something similar. You might need to press the Function ("Fn") or Alt keys (or both) to use it on a laptop though. After pressing the right key combination, the screenshot should get saved to the Windows clipboard (no actual user feedback so hard to tell when it happens) and you can then "Paste" into your favourite image editor, or mspaint.exe if you don't have one.
However, if the Print Screen key is really not there, then fortunately DOSBox also has a built in screenshot command:
CTRL + F5 . The screenshot will be saved to the "capture" directory inside the game folder (under C:\GOG Games\ ) If you're using Exult to run the game, screenshots can be taken with