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There is one point to critisize in this game that I learned only when I finished it (actually two)

To get all your special skills maxed, you need to revisit the already finished areas. It's not possible to get all resources in one go.
Maybe someone knows how to do it, but I wasn't able to get all abilities while playing the story. After finishing it, it's of course possible to revisit the areas and get the needed resources, but ... what to do with the abilities now? There is nothing left worth fighting in this game at this point.

And of course I found it rather annoying that you can run around for hours without finding that one interactive element you missed without even having a compass that tells you the direction in which you are going. This is a high tech robot and it does not have a map or compass ...

This game could have been a lot more than it currently is.
It's a great hommage to the TV show however, so ... let's just close both eyes and accept it for what it is.