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I finished my first patrol, and promoted a new officer to my ship. The officer is onboard and shows up in the tab menu, but there aren't any stations for me to choose from for him. I'm also unable to click him in the bottom officer menu, and right now he's switching constantly bewtween wanting to use the deck gun and to go rest. Anyone have any solutions? I've tried saving and reloading but the bug is still there.
Thought I'd give an update.
I figured out what the problem is.
For some reason when I promoted one of my sailors to officer in port, they'd board my ship with next to no stamina left and instantly went into 'rest' state where they force themselves to rest and you can't order them around. The issue though is they wouldn't go to bed, or they would try to go to bed but end up switching between bed and duty by themselves and repeat that. In order to fix it, I had to manually control them in first person to make them go to bed, then they'd get enough rest and would become controllable.
This happened to two officers so far.
Not sure why this is happening, but shouldn't promoted officers start off with full stamina? That would solve the problem I think.