Packfish: I have been trying to uninstall PhysX for days now. I can't find it. Nada, zip, zero in the Add/Delete menu. Finally got desparate and ran Search, which came up nothing. NVIDA customer service apparently has no idea as to how one uninstalls PhysX. And, Yes, Alkrose, I did close the error message after installation and then tried to open the game. It shows the Two Worlds splash screen for about one second then closes down and leaves MSFT's standard error message.
Kezardin: Driver Sweeper has a setting for removing Physx.
You could also check the registry suggestion in the last post of
this thread Thanks for the ideas and links. I am getting a copy of Driver Sweeper and am keeping the link to the registry post. And, yes, I do have an NIVIDA card, which apparently has the PhysX welded to the driver.
What I did last night was get angry enough to run System Restore, picking April 10 as far enough back. The graphics driver reverted to 186.18 from the 270.XX version, and the PhysX became 909.04.28. This gave the error message on the first start of the game, but played just fine and on reopening the game, no error msg, just went ahead and played. Not the technical solution or elegant, but since my problem was an unplanned upgrade of the NVIDA driver, solved it for me. Plus my saved game reappeared...