supercommando: I have the same problem for my computer with Vista. I can play it on Win 8.1 but not vista. Not a big deal but it surprised me since Turok 2 originally released on windows 98 and the original version of the game runs on Vista. Just the updated one doesnt. Too bad they dont have a 'Classic mode' for older os
If you check the store page, it states that this version of Turok 2 was built using a wholly new game engine. Doing this means that support for older OSes isn't simply a matter of disabling new features, but the core of the game is dependent on features found only on newer hardware, operating systems, and graphics APIs. As the engine is new, the developers face the same constraints as any creators of a new piece of software. At some point, building support for older hardware is going to cause diminishing returns. Every developer decides where they draw the line based on the time and cost involved in building and supporting multiple variations of their game balanced against the proportion of the potential customer base still using older devices.